A young woman in a hoodie lays on an exam table in a classroom while another female student and professor take a measurement

Pre-Professional Studies

Concentration of Health Science, B.S.

Offered :

  • Castleton, VT
  • Johnson, VT

What is an In-Person Plus program?

Program-required courses are taught through a combination of in-person and remote delivery. Remote learning may require meeting at a specific time or may not have a specific class time; all weekly interactions and assignments for remote courses are completed through a learning site.

Our Pre-Professional Studies Concentration prepares you to apply to graduate programs in health care fields such as chiropractic medicine, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. And with the current increases in lifestyle-related disease and the growing elderly population, you will be poised to take advantage of new opportunities in the health field.

Reach out with Questions

Jack Lareau

Assistant Director of Admissions


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Why Study Pre-Professional Studies at Vermont State

  • Flexibility: You’ll be able to customize your own degree plan. You can follow a pre-med track, prepare for nursing school or a doctorate program, or earn your teaching license, among other possibilities. 
  • Small Classes: You’ll work closely with professors and experienced practitioners to develop practical, professional skills that you can apply in any health-related field. 
  • Experience: You’ll have the opportunity to learn in a variety of internships and research experiences.  

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Sample Courses

  • Health Behavior: Change and Adherence 
  • Fundamentals of Nutrition 
  • Lifespan Developmental Psychology 
  • Introduction to Microbiology 

Student Stories

A girl with long blond hair stands and smiles for the camera against a sunset lake background.

“My advisors have been super helpful about everything, from classes to more personal help — which I wouldn’t have received at a bigger school. Here, I’m not just a number.” 

Jocelyn Pellerin 

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