Welcome, students, to Vermont State University! You are joining a community of learning every bit as unique, welcoming, and exceptional as the state we call home. Our mission and community values define us and guide everything we do. The University Handbook is the foundation for a positive, inclusive, and responsible experience at Vermont State that will give you what you need to achieve your educational goals.
Whether you frequent one of our five main campuses, commute to one of our many satellite locations, study online, or learn via some combination of those options, please take the time to familiarize yourself with the information, expectations, and policies. If you have any questions about the Handbook, please contact the office of the Dean of Students at DeanofStudents@VermontState.edu.
May the year ahead be successful for you — inside and outside of the classroom!
Dr. David Bergh
How to use this Handbook
All students are expected to be familiar with their rights, responsibilities, and procedures as described in the Handbook. Any reference to the policies and procedures of Vermont State University also incorporates the policies and procedures of the Vermont State Colleges System (VSCS). Discrepancies between this Handbook and a VSCS policy are resolved by following the VSCS policy. Changes to information in the Handbook will be communicated to the Vermont State University community by the Dean of Students.
Other University Information and Resources
- Academic Policies
- Athletics
- Disability Services
- Financial Aid
- Public Safety
- Student Housing
- Technology Support
- VAST Program for 2023-2024
- COVID-19 Policy
Questions About the Code of Conduct?
Please contact the office of the Dean of Students at DeanOfStudents@VermontState.edu.