Professor Barclay Tucker was born on the tragic day that Paul McCartney announced the breakup of the Beatles. In order to make up for the loss, he set his goals high. He started off wanting to be Goofy and quickly moved on to wanting to be Superman or Moses. After realizing these jobs were taken, he briefly toyed with the idea of being a forest ranger. When some level of reality hit, Barclay decided he wanted to be an art teacher and own a VW Bug. Through it all, he has loved to draw.
Professor Tucker studied art at the University of Utah and began a career as a designer and illustrator. He received his Master of Arts from Syracuse University and a Master of Fine Art from the University of Hartford, Hartford Arts School.
In addition to teaching, Professor Tucker maintains a freelance illustration and design business. He is a top-selling bow tie designer (his illustrations appear on numerous bow ties for Beau Ties LTD of Vermont). Gonzo the Great even wants one of his ties. He has illustrated educational books for Good Sound Publishing and HEC and designed logos for local Vermont companies. Barclay is currently working on publishing a series of books that he has both written and illustrated. He can be found with his Muppet (everyone should have a Muppet) and his students sketching around the world, and he still wants a VW Bug.