• Faculty

Timothy Egan


Part-Time Faculty

Tim is a specialist in broadcast and web based video content services in marketing and
media affairs practicing in New England & Canada. Via offices in Sugar Hill, NH, &
Boston, MA he researches; build relationships with; creatively implements; and analyzes
the power of – the media industry for business, education and government clients.
He is a Board Member & Media Advisor for Catalyst Story Institute/Content Festival in
Duluth, MN guiding the development of digital video content. As well, a Consulting
Executive Producer of broadcast television programming at Moody Street TV in
Waltham, MA. He has two New England Emmy Awards as Writer/Director/Producer,
among his 28 Emmy Nominations during his 25 plus year career in New England.
He is Part-Time Faculty at sister schools in the Vermont Sate College System: since
January 2014 teaching in the Visual Arts, English/Philosophy/Film and Business
Departments at NVU-Lyndon; since Spring of 2016 teaching in the Business Department
at NVU-Johnson. In 2016 named Co-Director of NVU’s incubator Without Walls, that
supports small business development with experienced student labor. In 2020 he was
elected NVU-Lyndon Delegate for Part/Time Faculty Union Chapter VT-AFT Local 7810.
With a nod to media industry development, in 2012 he was named the inaugural
Marketing Chair for the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences until 2018 when
it was incorporated into his current role: Chair of Strategic Planning. He served as
National Trustee in 2010-2012, after two terms as President of the New England Chapter
and Founding Co-Chair of Presidents Council for NATAS, from 2006 to 2010.
Upon moving to NH, in 2011 Tim was appointed as Business Representative/Media
Advisor to The NH/Canada Trade Council. In 2017 he was elected a VP for the New
England Canada Business Council and named VP-Programs Chair in 2020; in 2018
appointed Treasurer of Catamount Arts in St. Johnsbury, VT. In 2018 he was elected to
the NH House of Representatives for Grafton District #2. In 2020 he was re-elected and
formed the House Dems Communications Team supporting sitting legislators.
He is a principle in Sugar Hill Associates, a forward thinking media training firm teaching
the power of media exposure and helping clients to maximize it. Along with
communication content clients, he is a media/PR advisor to 11:11 Studios, A2C
Consulting, Arcserve, The BIA of NH, The Canadian Consul-General of New England, The
Cannabis Certification Council, NBC Boston, NECN, MIT’s Technology Review &
Passumpsic Bank. He was a media services consultant to: Presidential Campaigns of Sen.
Joe Biden (DE.) in 2008 & 2020, Gov. Jerry Brown (CA.) in 1992, Lt. Gov. Tim Murray (MA)
in 2010, Sen. President Therese Murray (MA) in 2011 & Jim King for US Senate in 2012
(MA) and the NH House – Environmental Caucus from 2014-16.
In his spare time he received an M.S. in Marketing (’15) magna cum laude at SNHU.edu
and lives in/enjoys the White Mountains of NH with his wife Betty & daughter Maggie

Elizabeth, Margaret and Timothy Egan
2015 Boston/New England Emmy Awards -Multiple Nominee
Boston, MA

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