May 21, 2024
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Graduates and Families,
We are excited to celebrate commencement with you this year! Please find below the guidelines and requirements for attendance for graduates and their guests.
Best wishes for a wonderful commencement experience!
Important reminder: Alcohol is not allowed at commencement.
When and where is commencement?
- Day and Date: Tuesday, May 21, 2024
- Time: 6 p.m.
- Place: Randolph Judd Hall
When Do Graduates Have To Be There?
Please arrive to Conant 1st floor by 5:30 p.m. to put on your caps and gowns and line up for the procession.
Who is Able to Attend the Ceremony?
- You must be eligible to graduate from VAST with a Cumulative GPA of 2.0
- Meet all other high school requirements
- Wear academic regalia in order to process at Commencement
- Behave in a manner appropriate to the dignity of the occasion
Please note: If your attendance plans have changed, please notify
How Long Does the Commencement Ceremony Last?
Typically, the ceremony lasts for one hour.
How Many Guests Are Allowed?
There are no tickets required but graduates are encouraged to invite no more than 4 family members/guests to Commencement. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Is There Special Seating Available?
Yes, some students have guests who require special assistance during the ceremony. To accommodate them, we remove chairs and make space for wheelchairs.
Where Can Cap and Gown Orders be Placed?
To participate in Commencement, you must wear a cap and gown. Order details coming soon.
Cap and Gown Pickup
You can collect your graduation attire from Cara Hill’s office, Morey 122, on the Randolph Campus. The attire should be picked up before Thursday, June 15, 2024, during office hours from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Williston Campus students may reach out to Linda Wise during her office hours and get their regalia from her.
Where do Families Park?
There should be enough parking space for all the visitors. It’s recommended to carpool whenever possible. Public safety officials will be present before the ceremony to guide the guests to the available parking areas. Please enter from Route 66 straight onto campus.
Are Pets Allowed?
Please leave your pet at home. Do not leave your pet in your vehicle. Only service animals are allowed at the commencement ceremony
Will There Be a Photographer?
Hired photographer, Ben Defolio will be taking photographs of students receiving their diploma.
Are Guests Allowed to Take Photos?
Guests are welcome to take photographs during the ceremony. However, we kindly ask that you stay behind any ropes and avoid blocking the aisles or interfering with other guests’ views of the ceremony. Please be respectful of all graduates and guests.
When Will Diplomas Arrive?
During the commencement ceremony, graduates will receive a diploma jacket. Diplomas will be mailed to graduates in August to the address provided on the graduation application.
Please note that if you have an address change for mailing your diploma, kindly send an email to the Registrar’s Office at This will ensure your diploma’s secure and timely delivery to the desired address.
How To Get Transcripts
Transcripts will be available during the first or second week of June. To order a transcript, please visit Vermont State University Transcript Request.
It is important to note that you must have fulfilled all your financial obligations to the University to successfully place a transcript request.
Is There Anything That Might Effect Eligibility to Graduate?
The most common reasons why students end up being disappointed at the last minute are:
- Final cumulative average falls below 2.0
- Failure to complete high school requirements
- Incomplete grades not submitted
- Not passing the required graduation standards
For Students Who Live on Campus
Graduating seniors must make arrangements with residence hall staff to check out of their residence hall room by noon on Friday, May 17, 2024. There will be further information provided regarding each residence halls check out procedure in May. Regular meal service in Morey Hall will end with lunch on Friday, May 17, 2024.
For general Commencement information, contact Cara Hill,, or 802.728.1212. She will be happy to talk to you!
If you have questions about your eligibility to graduate, please contact the University Registrar’s Office at
Randolph Campus