Vigilance, Vaccine, and Testing Schedule Change Reminder

NVU Community,

There is bright light at the end of this long and dark tunnel; however, now is the time to remain vigilant. Cases of the virus are rising in several states, including recent spikes over the past week in Vermont particularly with residents under the age of 30. This is a critical time to redouble our efforts to avoid another resurgence of the virus. Please note that Northern Vermont University has not changed any of its policies and procedures related to Covid-19 safety. We will finish the semester with the same safety measures that we started with as the vast majority of our community remains unvaccinated. We cannot be distracted by the weather (do get outside though!) and national news of increased vaccine production as our primary age bands are not eligible yet and as variants of the virus increase spread. Get important policy and procedure info here: NVU During COVID-19: Spring 2021 Semester Information

Northern Vermont University is encouraging all students, faculty, and staff to register for the vaccine as soon as you become eligible in Vermont. More information for out of state students will be coming shortly. Governor Scott has announced the full vaccine registration timeline along with other important details that you can find here:

A quick reminder about testing: There is no testing today! Testing resumes tomorrow, Monday, March 29. As announced last week, NVU is moving to a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday testing schedule. The locations remain the same with Monday and Wednesday testing taking place 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. and Fridays 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. The full schedule can be viewed here:  /covid-19-spring-testing-schedule



Jonathan Davis
Dean of Students
Northern Vermont University