A group of people exercising in a room at Vermont State University.

Individualized Program of Study

Concentration of Exercise Science, B.S.

Offered :

  • Castleton, VT
  • Lyndon, VT

What is an In-Person Plus program?

Program-required courses are taught through a combination of in-person and remote delivery. Remote learning may require meeting at a specific time or may not have a specific class time; all weekly interactions and assignments for remote courses are completed through a learning site.

This unique Exercise Science Concentration in Individualized Program of Study prepares you to move on to graduate study on your way to a career as a Physician Assistant, Occupational Therapist, Registered Nurse, Fitness Center Owner/Manager, or one of many other possibilities. You’ll earn a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science and prepare for one or more national certification examinations, such as the American College of Sports Medicine Certified Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-EP) or the National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA-CSCS) and/or Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT) exams. You’ll work closely with your faculty advisor to create a proposed individualized program of study, which must be approved by department faculty before you enter the concentration program.

Reach out with Questions

Justin Carlstrom, Ph.D.

Exercise Science Program Coordinator

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Why Study Individualized Program of Study at Vermont State

  • Multiple Career Options: Prepare for pre-professional occupational therapy, pre-professional physician assistant, pre-professional nursing, pre-professional dietetics, and other related health professions. 
  • Close Relationships with Faculty: You’ll work one-on-one with our expert faculty on the topics that interest you most – for a deeply fulfilling educational experience. 
  • Unique Hands-On Experience: Learn by doing and graduate with up to two years of professional work experience in the field through unique undergraduate internship experiences. 

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Sample Courses

  • Exercise for Health and Performance 
  • Nutrition for Health and Performance  
  • Physiology of Exercise 
  • Kinesiology  
  • Internship in Exercise Science  

Student Stories

A woman sitting on a bench with her dog.

“Dr. Justin Carlstrom motivated me to work to my full potential and encouraged me to take on any opportunities that came my way, no matter how small. It is that mindset, of being open to experiences, that got me where I am today.” 

Sarah Bergstrom 

Meet Our Faculty

A man with a puffy vest, baseball cap, and glasses smiles at the camera.

Exercise Science Program Coordinator

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