Summer Camps & Programs

Two people carrying a red canoe along a wooded lakeshore, with paddles leaning against a tree and misty mountains in the background, capturing a serene outdoor adventure scene.

Summer 3D Technology Institute

The 3D Technology Institute is a FREE, residential summer program where advanced high school students will gain valuable experience with cutting-edge 3D technologies while earning up to nine college credits and a certificate in 3D Technology.

This program provides middle- and high-school students with hands-on exploration of future careers in transit through awareness of the complex transportation system we’ve come to rely on through interactive labs, field trips and guest speakers.

Young athletes through Grade 12 get access to elite facilities and the opportunity to learn from some of the finest coaches in the area. They can develop their skills or try out a new sport during the day or overnight at our Castleton, Johnson, and Lyndon campuses.