Bradley Beth has worked in computer science education since 2000, wearing many hats, including high school teacher, curriculum designer, computer science education researcher, and university faculty.
He currently is both Faculty and Program Coordinator for the Computer Information Systems and Data Science degree programs. His current research interests center on using game-based learning in computer science courses.
While at The University of Texas at Austin, he was the primary developer of the Thriving in Our Digital World dual enrollment course, which included a novel college preparation model that has now been generalized to the UT OnRamps program (
His dual enrollment course has now been adapted for use as UTeach Computer Science Principles, an NSF-funded, College Board-endorsed curriculum for the Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles course (
While a high school teacher, Professor Beth was named, “Teacher with the Largest Number of Latino Students in the Nation Passing the Advanced Placement Computer Science Exam” by College Board in 2007.
- Computer Science Education
- Natural Language Modeling
Refereed Articles
- George Veletsianos, Bradley Beth, Calvin Lin, and Gregory Russell. Design Principles for Thriving in Our Digital World, a High School Computer Science Course. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 54:443-461, July 2016.
- Bradley Beth, Calvin Lin, and George Veletsianos. Training a diverse computer science teacher population. ACM Inroads, 6(4):94-97, November 2015.
Refereed Conference Papers
- George Veletsianos, Bradley Beth, and Calvin Lin. CS Teacher Experiences with Educational Technology, Problem-Based Learning, and a CS Principles Curriculum. In Proceedings of the 47th ACM technical symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE ’16, Memphis, TN, March 2016. ACM.
- Elynn Lee, Victoria Shan, Bradley Beth, and Calvin Lin. A Structured Approach to Teaching Recursion Using Cargo-Bot. In Proceedings of the tenth annual international ACM conference on International computing education research, ICER ’14, pages 59-66, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, August 2014.
- Joe Tessler, Bradley Beth, and Calvin Lin. Using Cargo-Bot to Provide Contextualized Learning of Recursion. In Proceedings of the ninth annual international ACM conference on International computing education research, ICER ’13, pages 161-168, San Diego, San California, August 2013. ACM.
- Bradley Beth, Lien Diaz, Ralph Morelli, Cameron Wilson, and Gregg Fleisher. AP CS Principles: Reflections on the First Year. Infosys CrossRoads 2017, May 2017.
- Jeff Gray, Jennifer Rosato, Bradley Beth, and Nigamanth Sridhar. Teaching the Global Impact of Computing. In Proceedings of the 48th technical symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE ’17, pages 661-662, New York, NY, USA, March 2017. ACM.
- Daniel D. Garcia, Jeff Gray, Ralph Morelli, Owen Astrachan, Calvin Lin, Marie desJardins, Bennett Brown, Bradley Beth, and Nigamanth Sridhar. Computer Science Principles Curricula: On-theGround, Adoptable, Adaptable, Approaches to Teaching. In Proceedings of the 46th ACM technical symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE ’15, pages 176-177, Kansas City, MO, March 2015. ACM.
- Owen Astrachan, R. Brook Osborne, Irene Lee, Bradley Beth, and Jeff Gray. Diverse Learners, Diverse Courses, Diverse Projects: Learning from Challenges in New Directions. In Proceedings of the 45th ACM technical symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE ’14, pages 177-178, Atlanta, GA, March 2014. ACM.
- Bradley Beth, Irene Lee, and Jane Margolis. Engaging Students with Computer Science Education. Panel Discussion at SXSWedu 2014, March 2014.
- UTeach. 10th Anniversary Report. Invited panelist for PBS/Texas Monthly discussion on state of education and the release of the UTeach program 10th anniversary report, November 2007.
- Bradley Beth. Increasing Student Engagement in Computing Ethics. Poster presented at the 26th ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 2 (ITiCSE 2021), June 2021.
- Calvin Lin, George Veletsianos, and Bradley Beth. Project Engage!, NSF Grants #CNS-1138506 and #DRL-1441009. Poster presented at the NSF STEM + Computing Partnerships (STEM+C) Community Meeting, January 2015.
- Gregory Russell, George Veletsianos, Calvin Lin, Tara Craig, and Bradley Beth. Local Practices and Experiences with Technology Tools Implemented to Support Problem-Based Learning. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, April 2014.
- Calvin Lin, George Veletsianos, Bradley Beth, and Gregory Russell. Project Engage!, NSF Grant# CNS-1138506. Poster presented at the NSF Computing Education for the 21st Century (CE21) Community Meeting, January 2014.
- George Veletsianos, Tara Craig, Bradley Beth, Gregory Russell, and Calvin Lin. A First Iteration of a Pedagogical Model for Teaching Computer Science Through Problems. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, April 2013.
- Calvin Lin, George Veletsianos, Bradley Beth, Gregory Russell, Tara Craig, and Kenneth Turner. Thriving in Our Digital World. Poster presented at the NSF Computing Education for the 21st Century (CE21) Community Meeting, January 2013.
- George Veletsianos, Gregory Russell, Calvin Lin, and Bradley Beth. Innovating Computer Science Education at the High School Level through Technology-Enhanced PBL. Poster presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), November 2012.
- Bradley Beth, Calvin Lin, and George Veletsianos. Project Engage!, NSF Grant# CNS-1138506. Poster presented at the NSF Computing Education for the 21st Century (CE21) Community Meeting, February 2012.
- Calvin Lin and Bradley Beth. UTeach-Computer Science, NSF Grant# BPC-DP-0959827. Poster presented at NSF Computing Education for the 21st Century (CE21) Community Meeting, January 2011.
Edited Articles
- Bradley Beth and Noureddine Elouazizi. contrib. 7 Things You Should Know About Natural Language Processing. EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI), March 2018.
- Bradley Beth and Calvin Lin. Thriving in Our Digital World. CSTA Voice, 11(3):2-3, July 2015.
Invited Talks
- Bradley Beth. New to NVU. Convocation address at Northern Vermont University-Lyndon, August 2019.
- Bradley Beth. Thriving in Our Digital World: Convolution Matrices with Processing. Invited talk at the First Bytes Collaborative Workshop for Computer Science Teachers, June 2015.
- Megan Parry and Bradley Beth. A Dual Enrollment CS Course from UT Austin via OnRamps. Invited Talk at the Texas Regional Collaboratives Computer Science Network Training, January 15-16, 2015, January 2015.
- Bradley Beth. UTeach-Computer Science: A Different Approach to Certifying Computer Science Teachers. Invited talk at the First Bytes Collaborative Workshop for Computer Science Teachers, July 2010.
- Bradley Beth and Amy Moreland. UTeach CS Principles: Broadening Participation Through K-12 Computer Science Education and Teacher Professional Learning and Support. In Proceedings of the technical symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE ’17, pages 733-733, New York, NY, USA, March 2017. ACM.
- Bradley Beth and Michael DeGraff. UTeach CS Principles: Broadening Participation Through K-12 Computer Science Teacher Professional Learning and Support. Pre-conference workshop at the tenth annual Texas STEM Conference, January 2017.
- Bradley Beth. UTeach CS Principles: Supporting Teachers New to Inquiry-Based Computer Science. Workshop at the third annual Arkansas Computer Science Education Leadership Summit: D3: Deleting the Digital Divide, October 2016.
- Jeff Mickel and Bradley Beth. K-12 Teacher Support for Computer Science Principles: An Introduction to the UTeach Course, Thriving in Our Digital World: AP. In Proceedings of the 47th ACM technical symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE ’16, pages 717-718, New York, NY, USA, March 2016. ACM.
- Philip Sweany, Nigamanth Sridhar, and Bradley Beth. Strengthening Computer Science Education. Pre-conference workshop at the eighth annual UTeach Conference, May 2014.
- Gregory Russell, Bradley Beth, Tara Craig, Calvin Lin, and George Veletsianos. Thriving in Our World-A CS Principles Course. Workshop at the sixth annual Computer Science Teachers Association Conference (CSTA), July 2013.
- Mary H. Walker, Jody Bean, Bradley Beth, and Jody Hou. Implementing Project-Based Units in Mathematics. Workshop at the Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, July 2002.
Non-refereed Conferences
- Bradley Beth and Alicia Beth. Integrating Computer Science into Step 1 and Step 2. Presentation at the tenth annual UTeach Conference, May 2016.
- Bradley Beth and Alicia Beth. UTeach CSP: A Project-Based AP Computer Science Principles Course for All High School Teachers and Students. Presentation at the tenth annual UTeach Conference, May 2016.
- Alicia Beth, Bradley Beth, Lee Meadows, John C. Mayer, and Philip Sweany. Integrating Computer Science into the UTeach Curriculum. Presentation at the ninth annual UTeach Conference, May 2015.
- Bradley Beth and Philip Sweany. UTeach and Computer Science Principles: National Initiatives to Reform Introductory Curricula and Broaden Participation from K-12 through University. Presentation at the ninth annual UTeach Conference, May 2015.
- Bradley Beth. Project Engage-Broadening Participation through Dual Enrollment Computer Science Coursework. Presentation at the International Society for Technology in Education Special Interest Group for Computing Teachers (ISTE/SIGCT), June 2013.
- Bradley Beth and Calvin Lin. UTeach-Computer Science: UT Austin as Base Case. Presentation at the fifth annual UTeach Conference, May 2011.
- Bradley Beth and Calvin Lin. Rethinking UTeach and Computer Science. Paper presented at the fourth annual UTeach Conference, May 2010.