Dr. Emily Scott is an Assistant Professor of Psychological Science and Director of the Nature and Cognition Lab at Vermont State University. Emily received her Masters and PhD in Psychology with a concentration in Cognition and Neural Sciences at the University of Utah. Emily studies changes in brain activity, mood, and physiological stress during exposure to natural environments. She uses neurophysiological, peripheral physiological, behavioral, and self-report methods in her research to better understand the human-nature relationship, with the hope of promoting care for our natural environment. She has published over 10 peer reviewed, scientific journal articles and presented at conferences on the topics of physiological stress, cognitive neuroscience, and environmental psychology. Emily enjoys teaching a wide variety of topics in psychology that draw on her interdisciplinary expertise, including introductory psychology, research methods, biopsychology and social psychology.
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Environmental Psychology
- Health/Social Psychology
- Introduction to Psychology
- Biological Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Research Methods
- Health Psychology
- Cognition in the Wild
- †Scott, E. E., †*Crabtree, K. W., McDonnell, A. S., LoTemplio, S. B., McNay, G. D., & Strayer, D. L. (2023). Measuring affect and complex working memory in natural and urban environments. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 444.
†These authors contributed equally to this work and share first authorship
*Denotes undergraduate student author
- LoTemplio, S.B., Bettmann, J.E., Scott, E. E., Blumenthal, E. (2023). Do Mental Health Changes in Nature Co-Occur with Changes in Heartrate Variability and Executive Functioning? A Systematic Review. Current Environmental Health Reports, 1-13.
- LoTemplio, S., Lopes, C. L., Mcdonnell, A., Scott, E.E., Payne, B. R., & Strayer, D. (2023). Updating the Relationship of the Ne/ERN to Task-Related Behavior: A Brief Review and Suggestions for Future Research. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 17, 138.
- Scott, E. E., McDonnell, A. S., LoTemplio, S. B., Uchino, B. N., & Strayer, D.L. (2021). Towards a unified model of stress recovery and cognitive restoration in nature. Parks Stewardship Forum, 37, 46-60.
- Scott, E.E., LoTemplio, S.B., McDonnell, A.S., McNay, D. Greenberg, K., McKinney, T.L. Uchino, B.N., & Strayer, D.L. (2020). The Autonomic Nervous System in its Natural Environment: Immersion in Nature is Associated with Changes in Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability. Journal of Psychophysiology, e13698.
- LoTemplio, S. B., Scott, E. E., McDonnell, A. S., Hopman, R. J., Castro, S., McNay, D., … & Strayer, D. L. (2020). Nature as a potential modulator of the error-related negativity: A registered report. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 156, 49-59.
- Hopman, R.J., LoTemplio, S.B., Scott, E.E., McKinney, T.L., & Strayer, D.L. (2020). Neuroelectric Biomarkers of Attention Change from Prolonged Exposure in a Natural Environment. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 5(1), 1-13.
- Uchino, B. N., Cronan, S., Scott, E.E., Landvatter, J., & Papadakis, M. (2020). Social support and stress, depression, and cardiovascular disease. In Cardiovascular Implications of Stress and Depression (pp. 211-223). Academic Press.
- Uchino, B. N., Birmingham, W., Landvatter, J., Cronan, S., Scott, E.E., & Smith, T. W. (2020). Self-rated health and age-related differences in ambulatory blood pressure: the mediating role of behavioral and affective factors. Psychosomatic medicine, 82(4), 402.
- Uchino, B. N., Scott, E.E., de Grey, R. G. K., Hogan, J., Trettevik, R., Cronan, S., … & Bosch, J. A. (2019). Sleep Quality and Inflammation in Married Heterosexual Couples: an Actor-Partner Analysis. International journal of behavioral medicine, 26(3), 247-254.
- Uchino, B. N., Landvatter, J., Cronan, S., Scott, E.E., Papadakis, M., Smith, T. W., … & Joel, S. (2019). Self-Rated Health and Inflammation: A Test of Depression and Sleep Quality as Mediators. Psychosomatic medicine, 81(4), 328-332.
- Stump, T. K., Aspinwall, L. G., Kohlmann, W., Champine, M., Hauglid, J., Wu, Y. P., Scott, E.E. … & Leachman, S. A. (2018). Genetic test reporting and counseling for melanoma risk in minors may improve sun protection without inducing distress. Journal of genetic counseling, 27(4), 955-967.
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