• Faculty

Marian Kurath


Part-Time faculty

I joined the VTSU-Castleton campus faculty in 2018. I bring a diverse background in social work, psychology, trauma studies, spirituality and experiential education to share with students and colleagues. My advanced education is summarized at the end of the bio.

I am also a founding and active member of the Center for Social Justice and Trauma Informed Care. I am an active participant of the Social Work Advisory Council and Program Planning process. Currently, I also present a professional training seminar annually at the VT NASW conference.

I enjoy the learning process and sharing it with others both as teacher and student. I utilize lecture, discussion and experiential approaches in the classroom. All of my courses include a full online CANVAS component to support student learning. I value interaction in the learning process, since I believe that the deepest learning and mastery is a result of synthesizing knowledge and experience. I am interested in an integrative approach to social work-medicine-wellness and the application of emerging perspectives in neuroscience, developmental interpersonal biology, attachment, positive and self-psychology frameworks and family systems theory in professional practice.

I have been a VT LICSW since 1997. I have about 20 years of professional work experience in social work including a wide range of professional settings and interaction with culturally diverse populations across the life cycle. For 10 years I specialized in clinical mental health work with children and families. This extensive clinical experience is an asset in my teaching allowing me to provide both academic and practice knowledge for students. Prior to VTSU, my teaching experience included an adjunct assignment at Green Mountain College. In other jobs, I instructed professionals through staff training seminars and adult community education.