• Faculty

Michelle Sama


Associate Professor

I have been teaching for eleven years and prior to teaching, I completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Geisel Medical School, Dartmouth College. I have lived in Vermont since January of 2008 and am happy to call Vermont my home state. I have a PhD in Pharmacology, some of the courses I teach include Principles of Microbiology (BIO-2120), Anatomy and Physiology (BIO-2011, 2012), Nutrition (BIO-1030), Introductory Chemistry (CHE-1020) and General Chemistry (CHE-1031). I teach courses in both online and in-person format and hope to teach Pharmacology in the future. Teaching at a hands-on institution, allows me to use laboratory time to cover some of the hardest topics, and students seem to truly appreciate this format. As a trained scientist, my favorite type of teaching is in a laboratory setting.