Dr. Sherrill Blodget is Director of Choral Activities and Coordinator the Music Program at VTSU Castleton. She directs the University Chorale and Castleton Chamber Singers, teaches conducting, Soundings, and world music, and is vocal director for musical theater productions. She is the faculty advisor to the Castleton Student ACDA Chapter and a cappella ensemble Vocal Unrest. Blodget is active as an adjudicator, clinician and guest conductor at home and abroad, was selected as the 2019 Vermont State Colleges Faculty Fellow, and participated in the ACDA International Conductors Exchange program in Montevideo, Uruguay. She co-founded the Vermont Collegiate Choral Consortium to promote annual masterwork collaborations between the Vermont colleges and has served as Collegiate and University R&S Chair (present), President, Ethnic and Multicultural, and Community Choir Repertoire and Standards Chairs for Vermont ACDA and on the National Board of the National Collegiate Choral Organization.
Blodget enjoys teaching and performing, and strongly believes in the power of music to inspire students and audiences alike. Prior to joining the Castleton faculty in 2008, she directed high school choral, university, community, and church choirs across the United States. Her research interests include Latin American baroque and contemporary choral music, and choral voice placement. Blodget earned her D.M.A. in choral conducting with orchestral conducting minor from the University of Arizona; M.M. in choral conducting from the University of Oregon; M.M. in music education from the Pennsylvania State University; and B.A. in music from Yale University. When not involved in making music, Blodget loves to hike, x-country ski, swim, and explore Vermont and the Adirondacks with her two sons, husband, and dog Galahad.
- Latin American Choral Music
- Chorus: University Chorale
- Chamber Singers
- World Music Cultures
- Musical Theater Production
- Choral Music Pedagogy and Literacies
- Soundings
- “Exploring the choral music of Argentina.” Online presentation, 4ward Voices, May 2021.
- “Contemporary Choral Music of Argentina.” VSC Faculty Fellow concert/lecture, November 2019.
- “Voice and Sectional Placement within Choirs.” Workshop given as part of the Curso de Educacion Permanente at the University of the Republic School of Music, Montevideo, Uruguay, October 2017.
- “Warm-Ups: Why, What, and How.” Workshop given as part of the Curso de Educacion Permanente at the University of the Republic School of Music, Montevideo, Uruguay, October 2017.
- “A Foray into Cuban Choral Music.” Article for VTACDA website. July 2016.
- “A taste of Cuban Music.” Directed chamber choir in learning select Cuban music. Gather at the River conference (VT/NH ACDA and Choral Arts Foundation of the Upper Valley), Hanover, NH June 2015.
- “Where do we Stand and Why? Placing Singers and Sections in SATB Choirs.” Gather at the River conference (VT/NH ACDA and Choral Arts Foundation of the Upper Valley), Hanover, NH Aug. 2013.
- “Masterclass in Conducting” with Providence College I Cantori. New England Area Collegiate ACDA Conference, Keene State, NH, September 2012.
- “Bringing Ignacio de Jerusalem’s Manuscripts to Performance in the Twenty-first Century.” Eastern Division ACDA Conference, February 2010.
- “Unveiling Ignacio de Jerusalem’s Los Maitines de Nuestra Señora de la Concepción.” Second International Symposium on Latin American Music, University of Arizona, January 2009.
- “From Manuscript to Performance: A Critical Edition of Ignacio de Jerusalem’s Los Maitines de Nuestra Señora de la Concepción.” Doctoral lecture recital, University of Arizona, February 2008.
- “The Metepec Villancicos of Antonio Salazar.” Lecture performance. First International Symposium on Latin American Music, University of Arizona, January 2007.