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Stories from the VT Queer Archives

October 24, 2024 | 12:30 pm 2:30 pm

The VTSU Castleton Soundings Program in partnership with the Vermont Humanities Speakers Bureau presents Stories from the VT Queer Archives on Thursday, October 24th at 12:30 PM in the Jeffords Auditorium. Meg Tamulonis discusses how the VT Queer Archive’s collection marks various milestones, from Pride events to legal rulings, and considers why some parts of the queer community aren’t well-represented in the Archives. She’ll explain why there aren’t many artifacts from the era before the Stonewall Uprising in 1969, and some of the ways we can continue to gather and learn about Vermont’s many queer histories. Soundings students are required to sign up in advance to guarantee a seat. This event is free and open to the public. For more information or to reserve your tickets, contact the Casella Box Office at 802.468.1119 or by emailing CastletonBoxOffice@VermontState.Edu .

Free This event is free and open to the public. Castleton Soundings students must preregister for this event.


233 South St, Castleton, VT 05735
Castleton, VT 05753
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Castleton Campus