All College Update January 18, 2022

Randolph campus during the winter.

Happy New Year! I hope you had a restful and enjoyable holiday break. Welcome back for the winter/spring semesters. We ordered some new snow for your return!

NECHE Progress Report

Thank you to ALL who shared and provided feedback on the draft progress report to NECHE, our accrediting entity, we sent out last month. We are excited to share that we submitted the final Spring 2022 Progress Report to NECHE last Friday, January 14, 2022.

As you know, in addition to submitting our progress report we have a Spring focused evaluation visit. The dates for the Spring visit have now been set for April 10-12, 2022!  Stay tuned to learn more about the schedule and when you can interact with the visiting team!

COVID-19 Update

We continue to review our health and safety guidelines regularly. We appreciate your flexibility as we may adjust our policies to best position ourselves for a healthy academic year. Please review our updated protocol for students.

Faculty and Staff can direct their questions to Human Resources via email to Kelly-Rue Riso or call (802) 728-1211.

Emergency Alert Program – Be Safe

Your safety is our top priority.

Vermont Tech has partnered with Rave Mobile Safety to provide an emergency alert system so you can know, in real time, about emergencies and incidents at the college. This system can deliver messages to your and personal email addresses, as well as your land line and cell phone.

Your email address has already been added to the system. We encourage you to login to the Rave Mobile Safety site to add more contact information and choose your notification preferences for voice and/or text messages. You may also elect to add an email and/or phone number for a close family member, so they will also receive emergency notifications simultaneously. (Note that your cellular phone provider may charge a per-text message fee for the delivery of emergency notifications to your phone).

  1. To manage your account, please visit
  2. Your username is your email address (example:
  3. Click on the ‘Forgot your password?” link, enter your email address, and follow the prompts to set a password.

If you have any concerns regarding this program, please contact IT at

Unification Update

Transformation updates are released every two weeks and past updates are available on the VSCS’s transformation website, along with other resources.

Student Advisory Council – Nominations Welcome

Thank you to all those students who are currently participating transformation Student Advisory Council. We are looking for some additional members to join the council for the spring semester.

The Student Advisory Council has been meeting to help guide the work of the Transformation Teams as we work to design the future of Vermont State University, which will be formed by joining Northern Vermont University, Castleton University, and Vermont Technical College.

If you are a student who would be interested in participating, or you know a student you would like to nominate, please complete the nomination form.

The Council meets from 6-7:30 p.m. on selected Thursdays. The following meetings have been scheduled for the spring:

  • January 27 (Canvas course template)
  • February 3
  • February 24
  • March 17
  • April 14
  • April 28

The deadline to submit applications is January 28.


VTC Alumni in the News!

Adam Monette was crowned the winner of the Food Network’s Holiday Baking Championship. Monette is a graduate of Vermont Tech’s Career and Technical Teacher Education Program offered through our Continuing Education and Workforce Development Division. Well done, Adam!  The Students at Northwest Vermont Career and Technical Center who get to take classes with Adam!

New Respiratory Therapy Cohort in White River Junction

Vermont Tech has added White River Junction as a distance education site for its Respiratory Therapy program. With a shortage of respiratory therapists in Vermont, Vermont Tech continues to support Vermont workforce development in healthcare professions.

Who’s New at Vermont Tech?

Please join me in welcoming these new employees to the Vermont Tech family.

Welcome to our new staff members!

  • Terry Kavanaugh – Staff Assistant in Facilities
  • Lisa Fox – Associate Dean of Nursing Education (switched positions)
  • Sarah Billings-Berg – Coordinator of Health Services (switched positions)
  • Robin Poland – Librarian 2

Welcome to our new faculty members!

  • Simona Hankins – BSN Nursing – online
  • Teresa Messenger – Nursing NEK Region
  • Shashika Petta Mestrige – Mathematics – Randolph

Here’s to a solid start to 2022!