Coronavirus: Room and Board Update

May 8, 2020

NVU Students,

As this unprecedented and difficult semester comes to a close, it is time for an update about your belongings still on campus, as well as reminders about the room and board billing adjustments and the emergency support application. We know there are feelings of uncertainty and concern. We thank you for your patience and perseverance and wish you well with exams and final projects. Please know that our staff is here for you. We encourage you to reach out to us if you have additional questions and inquiries using the contact information below. Please stay safe and healthy. We look forward to having you back on campus in the fall!

Belongings still in the residence halls

We are still unable to allow students to return to remove residence hall belongings at this time. The State of Vermont, in addition to our neighbor states, remains under a stay-at-home order with select exceptions that do not include extensive travel. We will contact students as soon as it’s permissible and safe to have you come back to campus for this purpose. We have multiple phased plans prioritizing safety ready to implement depending on Governor Scott’s orders and those of our neighbor states. Your belongings will remain where they are until further notice.

Room and board refunds

Billing adjustments will be issued for room and board at a pro rata rate, dating back to March 16 or your last day on campus. These adjustments are still on track to be processed within 90 days of your last day on campus as committed by President Collins at the time of our move to remote instruction for the remainder of this semester.

Emergency Support Application

If you are currently in need of emergency assistance, please complete this form. A team of support personnel across NVU will review your submission and respond with next steps.

How to contact us

Phone: 802.635.1200
Phone: 802.626.6418
Jonathan Davis
Dean of Students
Northern Vermont University