COVID UPDATE: 6 New Positives

A Message from Interim President John W. Mills

Dear NVU Students, Faculty, and Staff,

We have six new cases at NVU to report. At Lyndon, three are from follow-up testing of 169 NVU community members on Friday and one from off-site testing reported by a staff member. At Johnson, there are two positives, one student and one staff member from off-site testing. Contact tracing continues and we are isolating as necessary. Total cumulative positives since the start of the semester are tracked at

I am asking each of you to increase your diligence with masking and distancing. Wear your masks—and wear them properly over your nose—whenever you are inside with others and especially at gatherings.

Community spread is active in our region—please take appropriate precautions.

Testing for Campus-Based Employees and Students, Wednesday, November 10, 11:30 a.m.—1:15 p.m.

  • Johnson Campus: Multi Gym
  • Lyndon Campus: Moore Community Room (ASAC 100)

We are still in an active pandemic with a virus that is transmitted easily. Take care—for your health and the wellbeing of all NVU community members. #MASKUPNVU #VAXUPNVU

Thank you,
