Kellie Campbell named Chief Information Officer for VSCS

An update from President Moulton

I wanted to share an important update about a staffing change. Kellie Campbell, our Chief Technology Officer, will be officially transitioning into the Chief Information Officer (CIO) role working with our Chancellor’s Office team. Information Technology and this leadership position are critical to support our transformation work ahead. Kellie will be pulling back from her specific role at Vermont Tech, but will engage in leadership meetings if needed and continue to support our local team in day-to-day operations. Until there is a more definition in a future organizational structure that will come with the transformation timeline ahead, both Kellie and I feel it is important that her team continues to work closely with her to ensure a consistent voice for Vermont Tech in this work.

In speaking with Kellie, it is important to both her and I that she is not seen as “leaving.” In fact, her vision for the CIO role is to continue working closely not only with Vermont Tech, but with our sister colleges as well. She views this leadership position as “glue” to bring people and strategy together as we approach a road of change ahead. Her focus on engaging directly with the colleges ensures she will still be on campus – in fact, her office in Randolph Center will remain. Our sister colleges will benefit from her visits to their campuses as well. Kellie truly sees this work as “on the ground” and grounded in mission. The scope of her leadership and responsibility, though, will broaden significantly. With that said, Ken Bernard, our Assistant CTO, will be stepping into some meetings and will be a conduit to both our local Vermont Tech IT team and Kellie. While people should still feel free to reach out to Kellie, please know there will be topics or items that she encourages Ken to directly lead as she transitions.

Please join me in wishing Kellie success in her endeavors on behalf of Vermont Tech and the system as a whole!