August 19, 2021
NVU Faculty, Staff, and Students:
We kick-off of our fall semester tomorrow! We are so excited to have everyone back. Please find a few updates and reminders below as we get closer to the first day of classes.
Masking Indoors and in Vehicles:
Caledonia and Lamoille Counties were downgraded by the CDC on Wednesday from “substantial” to “moderate” for virus transmission. We committed to reevaluating the indoor mask mandate if and when that happened followed by an update to the community. With some counties around us still in the “Substantial” or “High” range according to the CDC, and with a large influx of students over this coming weekend, we will maintain the indoor mask mandate through the opening week of classes and reevaluate at that time. *Please note that the indoor mask mandate also extends to all vehicles owned, rented, or leased by Northern Vermont University. Masks are required for all occupants unless you are alone in the vehicle.*
NVU Testing and Vaccine:
Broad Institute Nasal Swab RT-PCR Testing will be available every Wednesday to all enrolled and *vaccine policy-compliant students, as well staff and faculty through the month of September beginning on Wednesday, August 25. We will reevaluate the need and demand at the end of the month. There are still opportunities to test in all counties of Vermont at no charge using the same program that NVU offers. You can schedule a test or vaccine appointment regardless of your home state by visiting
• Testing @ NVU-Lyndon: Wednesdays at the Fitness Center from noon – 1 p.m.
• Testing@ NVU-Johnson: Wednesdays at the Multi Gym from noon – 1 p.m.
Vaccine Mandate for Students (deadline for compliance is August 23):
Northern Vermont University requires COVID-19 vaccination for all students enrolled accessing a physical campus or teaching location for any reason during the 2021-2022 Academic Year. To be in full compliance, a student must complete one of the following options before 8 a.m. on August 23, 2021:
1. Submit a copy of their completed COVID-19 vaccination (link below) record, OR
2. Submit a request for exemption, OR
3. Submit a copy of their vaccination record confirming the first COVID-19 vaccine was administered prior to August 23, 2021, indicate the scheduled date of the second shot (if applicable) and their agreement to complete the full vaccine protocol.
NVU Proof of Vaccination:
Failure to be in compliance by August 23, 2021 will jeopardize a student’s ability to be present on campus for any reason.
For questions related to COVID-19, please contact me.
*approved exemptions are vaccine policy-compliant
Jonathan Davis
Dean of Students