NVU Return to Campus Updates

July 10, 2020

On Tuesday, July 7, Governor Scott released “Safe and Healthy Return to Campus: Mandatory Guidance for College and University Campus Learning,”  the official state guidelines NVU and all colleges across Vermont will follow as students return to campuses this fall during the pandemic.

NVU has made several decisions concerning returning to campus, chief among them an early start to the fall semester. With these guidelines in hand, we will move quickly to release official decisions.

With that in mind, please know:

  • NVU and many other institutions across Vermont collaborated to develop the guidelines that meet, and in many cases, exceed CDC guidance for higher education.
  • We are continuing to develop specific plans with more details available in the next two weeks.
  • We will be testing students during the fall semester.
  • Students should be vigilant about checking NVU communications.
  • All students will sign an NVU Health Pledge that will help to ensure a safe campus environment.
  • Lastly, we invite you to review the guidelines as you prepare for your return to campus.

NVU is working on many fronts to ensure a safe and healthy return to campus, including:

  • Analyzing all classroom spaces and class schedules so we can provide the proper social distancing for our students and faculty.
  • Faculty are preparing to offer classes in a variety of flexible methods including in the classroom, hybrid, remote, and online to ensure all students are able to access and complete the courses they need.
  • Installing tents on our campuses for outside meeting spaces within state guidelines as needed.

Please check your email regularly so you can stay up-to-date with information regarding your return to campus. We cannot wait for your return to our campuses.

Jonathan Davis
Dean of Students
Northern Vermont University