A man with a goatee stands in front of a projected image pointing at the graphic.

Media Arts

Concentration of Fine Arts, B.A.

Offered :

  • Castleton, VT
  • Johnson, VT

What is an In-Person Plus program?

Program-required courses are taught through a combination of in-person and remote delivery. Remote learning may require meeting at a specific time or may not have a specific class time; all weekly interactions and assignments for remote courses are completed through a learning site.

In the Vermont State University Media Arts Concentration, you’ll explore the expanding world of cutting-edge artistic expression through the use of traditional or expanded forms of visual expression. Studies will study the use of emerging technologies, interactive media, immersive arts, creative inquiry, and artistic collaboration. Courses include image processing, sound design, non-narrative animation, video and motion graphics, and new media. 

The program starts with introductory courses designed to increase your familiarity with worldwide artistic and theoretical concepts associated with both traditional and leading-edge media. As you advance through the program, you will expand your artistic vision by combining film, sound design, new media, animation, creative coding, and related artistic formats into new and innovative works of art.

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Why Study Media Arts at Vermont State

  • Diverse Artistic Skill Set: Cultivate both technological skills and artistic creativity through a fundamental understanding of both analog and cutting-edge digital media.  
  • Technology Expertise: Learn how to integrate different digital and analog platforms to communicate your unique artistic vision more effectively. 
  • Creative Projects: Each course includes projects that provide you hands-on, real-world personal creative artistic expression and the opportunity to exhibit in multiple galleries on and off campus. 
  • Experienced Faculty: You’ll have the advantage of working with faculty who have a mix of artistic specialties and classroom experience. 
  • Small Classes: Boost your creative edge and work with professors who will know you personally from our small classes.  
  • Exhibition Opportunities: Show your work in solo or group exhibitions in our Student Gallery and local Vermont galleries. 

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Sample Courses

  • Interactive Media Arts 
  • Creative Coding 
  • Intermedia 
  • Interface 

Other Concentrations in This Program

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