Interested in adding a minor to your degree program? See the list of minors below.
- Adventure Education
- Adventure Recreation
- Animation
- Anthropology
- Anthropology, Archaeology, and Geography
- Art History
- Atmospheric Sciences
- Audio Production
- Biology
- Broadcast Journalism
- Business
- Chemistry
- Cinema Production
- Cinema Studies
- Coaching Minor
- Communications
- Community Health Promotion
- Criminal Justice
- Criminology
- Dance
- Environmental Science
- Ethics
- Fine Arts
- Forensic Psychology
- Geology
- Graphic Design
- Health
- Health and Wellness Coaching Minor
- History
- Holistic Health
- Illustration
- Journalism
- Literature
- Marketing
- Mathematics
- Mountain Operations
- Music Management
- Music
- Nutrition
- Philosophy
- Photography
- Political Science
- Pre-Medical
- Psychological Science
- Resort Management
- Restorative Justice
- School Health Education
- Sociology
- Statistics
- Theater Arts
- Wilderness Leadership
- Wildlife and Forest Conservation
- Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
- Writing