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Three students wearing caps and gowns with their backs to the camera as they walk toward a large group of people.

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Vermont State Castleton Commencement 2025

May 17 | 10:00 am 1:30 pm

Graduates and Families,

We are excited to celebrate commencement with you this year! Please find below the guidelines and requirements for attendance for graduates and their guests.

Best wishes for a wonderful commencement experience!

Important reminder: Alcohol is not allowed at commencement.

General Commencement Information

When and where is commencement?

  • Day and Date: Saturday, May 17, 2025
  • Time: 10:00 a.m.
  • Place: Castleton Pavilion
  • Can’t make it to commencement? Watch live!


Department receptions before the ceremony, various locations. To be determined.

When Do Graduates Have To Be There?

Department gatherings will be held from 8:45 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at various locations around campus. You will be expected to line up for the ceremony, in your cap and gown, by 10 a.m. on Saturday, on the south side of Dave Wolk Stadium. Specific locations will be announced at rehearsal.

Who is Able to Attend the Ceremony?

You must be a matriculated, degree-seeking student and:

  • Have a 2.0 cumulative GPA (which may be higher for some majors), and a minimum of:                    
    • 36 credits for Master’s candidates
    • 120 credits for Bachelor candidates
    • 60 credits for Associate candidates
    • Meet residency requirements
    • Meet all degree requirements in your catalog
  • Wear academic regalia in order to process at Commencement
  • Behave in a manner appropriate to the dignity of the occasion

Please note: If your attendance plans have changed since you applied for a degree, please notify Registrar@VermontState.edu.

How Long Does the Commencement Ceremony Last?

Typically, the ceremony lasts for two to two and a half hours, depending on the number of graduates.


360 South St
Castleton, Vermont 05735
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Castleton Campus