A Message from President Elaine C. Collins
Dear NVU Students, Faculty, and Staff,
I am writing to let you know we have a third positive on our Lyndon campus for COVID-19. This case is directly connected to the positive we reported last week and it was fully expected. Though the student’s test did not immediately come back positive, we isolated the student immediately when last week’s case was suspected. We have completed our own internal contact tracing and are working with the Vermont Department of Health on any next steps should they arrive.
This is our third positive case out of 4,386 tests over the course of the semester. As with the first and second positive, we have taken appropriate action.
With just over one week left before our students head home for Thanksgiving break and the end of the semester, we ask you to strictly follow Vermont cross-state travel guidelines, which restrict any travel outside of Vermont unless it is essential. Please, do not travel. Stay on campus or at home. Your health—and the NVU community’s health—depends on it.
You have done an incredible job following the NVU Health Pledge. Keep it up—wear masks, keep social distance, and wash your hands. Again, do not travel. We cannot let up.
The Vermont Department of Health is in touch with anyone who needs to be notified. If you are called by their contact tracing team, please answer the call—this is to protect your health and to contain spread of the virus. You can find COVID-19 information, including travel guidance, at healthvermont.gov/covid19.
Please keep the health of our NVU student in mind.
Thank you. #MASKUPNVU