January 12, 2021
Dear NVU Students,
Happy New Year! Your spring semester return home to NVU is approaching.
As announced in October, and as required by the state of Vermont, we have adjusted the academic calendar to start on February 1. Classes will be taught through face-to-face, hybrid, and remote means. All of the same arrival and check-in precautions will be in effect with some new details outlined below. Most importantly: ALL students, including Vermont residents, must now quarantine before arrival and no cross-household visitation is allowed. There are no changes to the masking and distancing requirements, which can limit spread and save lives. Please do your part to help our community stay healthy. You did an excellent job last semester in keeping NVU safe. Your continued commitment to the NVU Pledge is appreciated.
Details about Your Return to Campus
Wearing of masks on campus is required everywhere, with the exception of in one’s own room or office while alone. This includes the hallways and common areas of residence halls and outdoor walkways and gathering areas. While on campus you may only remove your mask outdoors when there consistently is at least 6 feet between you and any other person. For instance, if you are on one of the inner campus walkways, your mask should be on and fully covering your nose and mouth.
Staggered Move-In: All campus-based NVU students will participate in a staggered check-in and testing program on January 29 or 30.
Choose the link for your campus:
NVU Johnson: Campus arrival reservation
NVU Lyndon: Campus arrival reservation
COVID-19 Testing: All campus-based NVU students, commuting and residential, will be tested on January 29 or 30 and on February 5 or 6 at no cost to the student. Students will be required to quarantine on campus or at their off-campus residence until the first negative result has been returned, which will take between 24-36 hours.
Arrival Quarantine: A notable change to the fall arrival quarantine policy for spring is the inclusion of all Vermont students in the requirement to quarantine ahead of arrival if moving back to the area to live on or off campus. Please review and follow state of Vermont quarantine requirements.
Cross Household Visitation: One of the lessons learned statewide in 2020 was that small cross-household gatherings of friends and family were a major contributor to virus spread. The state of Vermont has asked all colleges and universities to limit household visitation. To that end, we have designated each residence hall complex (Ex. Governors North and South or Arnold and Bayley) or apartment (on or off campus) as a separate household. This means on-campus residents are prohibited from visiting off-campus households. No off-campus guests are allowed in any residential area at any time.
Required daily symptom check: All students living or taking classes on campus must complete this form 7 days a week while school is in session. NorthernVermont.edu/Campus-Based-Daily-Screening-Symptom-Check
Stay Up-to-Date with Information
To learn more and find answers to questions, visit the Return to Campus FAQs at NorthernVermont.edu/NVU-During-Covid-19. Please check your email and this web page frequently. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for you to stay up-to-date with information during this time. Please also review the Vermont State Requirements for a Safe and Healthy Return to Campus.
Jonathan Davis
Dean of Students
Northern Vermont University