June 29, 2020
The college has announced that the SHAPE fitness facility is open again to its members, faculty, staff, and students currently working and living on campus. The new hours are Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM. Social distancing is required at all times. When arriving at SHAPE, check in has moved to the weight room to enable monitoring of the facility, per the State’s guidelines. Everyone must check in and pass the screening test. Members will agree to a COVID-19 waiver to enter. Everyone must wear a face covering to enter the facility and when walking around the building, but they can be removed when exercising while keeping the face covering on your person. The capacity of the gym is reduced to 18 people with a limit of three people per basket. No pickup games are allowed in the gym. The capacity of the weight room is reduced by 50% to enable safe physical distancing. All equipment must be wiped down after use. Failure to do so will result in loss of access. The capacity of the pool is reduced to 10 swimmers with one person per lane. The lifeguard on duty will monitor this. The locker rooms are currently closed. Fitness classes are expected to resume July 6, 2020 with social distancing practices and observing maximum capacity of 25 people or less, depending on the class and space used.