All University Update December 14, 2022

Greetings Vermont State University community,

As we begin to close out the semester, I offer my appreciation to all of you for your incredible efforts these past few months. Students, thank you for your hard work throughout the semester. You are close to the finish line – and I’m rooting for you all! Faculty and staff, thank you again for your work supporting our students and for all the extra contributions you have made in your work as we build Vermont State. If you have any news to share as you complete the year, please click here to submit your news! If you have a suggestion to share, please click here to send it to me.

As we enter the new year, I want to share with our entire community our new values statement, which will be of critical importance as we forge forward together as Vermont State University.

Here’s to a successful end to 2022, with best wishes for a rewarding 2023.

President Grewal


Transformation Updates

We are pleased to announce three Vermont State University leadership appointments:

  • Jayshree Bhat will be the Associate Vice President of Workforce, Community, and Economic Development
  • Lindsey Melo begins her role as Assistant Vice President of People and Culture
  • Mari Perez is the new Assistant Vice President of Sponsored Programs

Please join us in welcoming Jayshree, Lindsey, and Mari!

VSCS Transformation Newsletter

Additional transformation updates can be found in the most recent Sway.

This issue includes the following:

  • Reminder: Transformation Update #43
  • IT Shared Service Next Steps
  • Student Advisory Council November Meeting Summary
  • Transformation Project Updates
  • Announcing Three New Vermont State University Leadership Appointments
  • Spotlight: Complementary Roles & Workforce Development System-wide
  • Vermont State Colleges in the News

VTSU Office of the President Communications and Organization Chart

President’s Office Communications

To send an inquiry or meeting request to President Grewal, please use The President’s Office staff, including Michelle Graham and Barb Flathers (Johnson campus) and Rita Geno (Castleton campus) will be happy to support you.

Vermont State Organization Chart

All VTSU employees can access a new and helpful Vermont State organizational chart in UKG (UltiPro).

To access this chart:

  1. Login into UKG
  2. Click on your personal tab (Myself)
  3. Scroll down the list about half way and you will see the My Company category with the Organization Chart
  4. Click on Organization Chart
  5. In the chart you can click and drag with your mouse to move through the chart or you can use the search bar to search a name.

Upcoming Vermont State University Events

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

  • First day of classes for spring 2023

Around Our Campuses

Castleton Campus

WPTZ-TV – Castleton Nurses Pass Licensure Test Well Above National Average

“We’re really, really excited that something’s going very well here,” said Helen Papeika, assistant professor and nursing chair at Castleton University. “We’re meeting the needs of the community, we’re meeting the needs of the students, faculty and staff across nursing and other departments.” Watch now.

Johnson Campus

Pocket Wetland Restoration Underway on Johnson Campus

“This project is a first step in making the campus grounds more sustainable,” Professor Lisa Zinn said. “With climate change, the storm events are getting more frequent in Vermont, and all of the surface water running off lawns and roads is running into streams and rivers.” Read the entire article. Read more.

Lyndon Campus

Out and About with NVU’s Outdoor Education, Leadership, and Tourism Program

NVU’s Outdoor Education, Leadership, and Tourism program faculty and students have been out in the local and regional community learning and sharing their knowledge in a variety of ways this semester. Read more.

Randolph Campus

Vermont Tech Hosts Inaugural Athletics Hall of Fame Ceremony

“The athletes inaugurated into this first Hall of Fame class showed exceptional talent and willingness to work hard both in the classroom and on the playing surface,” said Hilary Linehan, Director of Athletics and Recreation. Read more.

Share your news!

Submit your story to be featured in an upcoming newsletter or on social media.

All University Update November 28, 2022

Greetings Vermont State University community,

Welcome back from the Thanksgiving holiday! I hope you had a restful few days, doing the things you enjoy with the people you care about.

There are just three weeks left in the fall semester and only a little over a month until we welcome 2023. My best wishes to you on final exams and projects. To our December graduates, my congratulations to you on your hard work to complete your degree.

Tomorrow is #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back. Watch for a special message from me about how we can all participate in a campaign to support students and the high-impact education they receive at our Vermont State University institutions.

President Grewal


Transformation Updates

We have welcomed Amy Daviarz, the new Title IX and Protected Rights Coordinator for Vermont State University. Amy joins the Office of the Chancellor in Montpelier while she completes her training under Kathryn Santiago’s supervision. She will then transition over to Vermont State University. Welcome, Amy! Additional transformation updates can be found in the most recent Sway.

This issue includes the following:

  • Title IX and Protected Rights Coordinator for VTSU
  • Spotlight: Updates from VSCS Library Transformation
  • Transformation Project Updates
  • The CCV Graduate Connection VTSU
  • Vermont State Colleges in the News

Upcoming Vermont State University Events

Town Hall Meetings

President Grewal invites all faculty, staff, and students to Town Hall meetings on:

Open House

Vermont State University In the News

New England Cable News: Team USA Athletes Savor Thanksgiving Week Stop in Vt. on World Cup Circuit

WCAX-TV: How Killington partners with a Vermont college to staff the ski resort

From Our Campuses


Take a Moment at the Mandala

“The Mandala is something that every student walks by,” Jennifer said. “But what the students might not know is that the Mandala is an interactive sculpture, and the marble centerpiece turns.” Read the entire article.

Vermont Tech

History Is Made at Cross Country Nationals

Trevor Kipp, who graduated Brattleboro High School in 2019 became the first All-American male athlete for Vermont Technical College Friday when he finished third at the USCAA Cross Country Nationals in Virginia Beach. Read the entire article.

Share your news!

Submit your story to be featured in an upcoming newsletter or on social media.


“Our campuses are excited to participate in Giving Tuesday, which is the biggest giving day of the year around the world. We have three unique campaigns running at Castleton, NVU, and Vermont Tech in order to meet the individual needs of our campuses. Just like Vermont State University, #GivingTuesday is not about just one thing…it’s about all of us, and we hope that you will make a gift to the campaign of your choice to help us meet our goals!”

-Lauren Philie, Assistant Vice President of Institutional Advancement

All University Update November 18, 2022

Greetings Vermont State University community,

As we prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday, I want to share my gratitude to you for your hard work, commitment, and innovations all through the year. I know navigating the changes and uncertainty have been difficult, but your contributions have been tremendous. You are part of a unique endeavor and are building something remarkable for the state of Vermont.

Thank you to the faculty and staff for all you are doing. To our students, thank you for continuing to inspire us and be the living proof of our professional commitment.

President Grewal


Transformation Updates

Please join me in congratulating two more Vermont State University leadership appointments: Deanna Tyson will be the Assistant Vice President of Athletics and Fitness and Lauren Philie will be the Assistant Vice President of Institutional Advancement and Alumni Relations. Both Deanna and Lauren were in interim positions prior to these appointments. Additional transformation updates can be found in the most recent Sway.

This issue includes the following:

  • Spotlight: An Update on Systems Projects
  • First-Generation College Celebration Day: November 8th
  • Transformation Project Updates
  • Progress Report Accepted by NECHE
  • Announcing Three Vermont State University Leadership Appointments
  • Vermont State Colleges in the News

Upcoming Vermont State University Events

Town Hall Meetings

President Grewal invites all faculty, staff, and students to Town Hall meetings on:

In the News

Parwinder Grewal Settles In as the First President of Vermont State University

Vermont colleges growing cannabis education programs

From Our Campuses


Men’s Hockey’s Alderson Featured on

Castleton University men’s ice hockey freshman forward Mason Alderson, a native of London, England, was recently featured on’s “Color of Hockey” series—a running series penned by William Douglas that covers people of color in the sport of hockey. Read the entire article.

NVU Johnson

NVU Receives NBHWC Approval for Health Science – Health & Wellness Coaching Program

Graduates of NVU’s Health & Wellness Coaching program will be eligible to sit for the NBHWC Certification Exam to become a Certified Health & Wellness Coach. Read the entire article.

Plazek Joins Association of Canadian Studies

David J. Plazek, PhD, Professor of Political Science, was elected to the Executive Council of the Association of Canadian Studies in the United States in October for a three-year term. Plazek is Co-Chair of the Culture, History, and Political Science Department and Director of the Institute of Canadian Studies.

NVU Lyndon

NVU Honors the Memory of Hall of Famer Mark O’Brien

The Northern Vermont University-Lyndon community paid tribute to alumnus and athletic Hall of Famer Mark O’Brien ’89, who passed away in June of 2020. Mark was an outstanding basketball and baseball player at Lyndon. He was inducted into the Lyndon Athletic Hall of Fame in 1998.  Read the entire article.

Vermont Tech

VCBB begins partnership to fill worker shortages in conjunction with universal broadband

“Vermont Technical College is excited to work with the fiber industry in Vermont to provide apprenticeship training for this sector. We are working on developing all the elements of the program with the CUDs, VCBB and construction firms who are doing this work,” said Patricia Moulton, Vermont State Colleges Workforce Division Executive Director. Read the entire article.

Share your news!

Submit your story to be featured in an upcoming newsletter or on social media.


“As I was planning my F2F+ course for this semester, I wanted to ensure that all of my students felt as though they were a contributing member of the class. I chose to incorporate Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning activities and broke students up into small teams. I change the teams every five weeks. This helped to promote a sense of community and increased student engagement. An unintended benefit has been that students report being surprised by how quickly the class time passes, a difficult feat for a 75-minute, 8 a.m. class!”

-Shannon Newell, PhD, NCSP, Associate Professor of Psychological Science, School Psychology Graduate Program Coordinator, Castleton University

All University Update November 1, 2022

Greetings Vermont State University community,

I hope you had a safe and festive Halloween.

As we move into November, we find ourselves honoring our community in many ways. This month, we recognize First-Generation College Celebration Day on November 8, a time to celebrate the success of first-generation college students, faculty, staff, and alumni. We also commemorate Veterans Day on November 11 and Transgender Day of Awareness on November 20. All November long we observe Native American Heritage Month. And, of course, there is the Thanksgiving Holiday on November 24, a time for family and friends.

Each of our campus communities has events planned to mark these important occasions. See below my message for a list of First Generation Day activities being held across our campuses. Watch for emails with information on how you can participate.

I encourage you to engage in these important observances with our community. Share your story or listen to another’s story. Take time to read, watch, or listen to learn more. Join us at an event.

To those who we honor on these days, we see you and we are here for you.

President Grewal


First-Generation College Celebration Day – November 8

Castleton Campus:

Events will be held in the Campus Center Atrium from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. where cider and donuts will be served while sharing in writing and video, “it’s important to me to be FG, because…” Later, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., cider and donuts will be served in the Campus Center 1787 Room where there will be more sharing as well as live music and therapy dogs. All week long leading up to November 8, the Calvin Coolidge Library will display books by famous first-gen authors.

NVU-Johnson Campus:

Students and staff will table in Stearns Student Center where they will have TRIO items to distribute, a poster to fill out, and a button-maker for students to make their own buttons.

NVU-Lyndon Campus:

Faculty and staff will display signs on their office doors that say, “I’m 1st Gen, let’s talk!” Students are invited to write about what being first-gen means to them at a table in the Academic Support Center, where snacks will be served.

Vermont Tech Campus:

Faculty and staff will display signs indicating their first-gen status on their office doors. Student stories will be shared via video. A table of books by first-gen authors will be on display at the library.

Transformation Updates

Transformation updates can be found in the most recent Sway.

This issue includes the following:

  • Update on VTSU Staffing
  • Happy Diwali!
  • IT Shared Services Update: New Appointment Announcements and Answers to FAQs
  • Transformation Project Updates
  • Student Advisory Council October Meeting Summary
  • Vermont State Colleges in the News

Upcoming Vermont State University Events

Meetings* with President Grewal

*see calendar for Zoom details

  • STUDENT Meeting: Wednesday, November 16, 7 pm
  • STAFF Meeting: Monday, November 21, 12:15 pm
  • FACULTY Meeting: Monday, November 28, 12:15 pm

Town Hall Meetings

President Grewal invites all faculty, staff, and students to Town Hall meetings on:

Fall Admissions Open Houses

In the News

NVU-Johnson Basement Medicine Interview with President Grewal

Vermont Viewpoint Interview with VCS Chancellor Sophie Zdatny and VSC Board Representative Lynn Dickinson

From Our Campuses

Heidi Welch Honored with Music Department’s Distinguished Alumni Award

The Keene State College Music Department has bestowed its Distinguished Alumni Award for 2022-23 to Heidi J. Welch, Class of 1996, who serves as the Director of Music Education at Castleton State University in Castleton, Vermont. Read the entire article.

This is Our Home – Lyndon, Vermont

Professor Dan Daley is featured in this love letter to the greater Lyndon community by NVU-Lyndon alum Ben Frechette, now with WPTZ-TV. Daley was born and raised in Lyndon and was also a student here! Watch the entire feature.

Vermont Tech Engineers Gold for Charity and Their Profession

Vermont Tech engineering students retained their trophy at the annual Vermont Society of Engineers’ (VSE) golf tournament, held in September. Vermont Tech’s team bested other university engineering student teams in a scramble format, keeping the rotating trophy that goes to the winning institution each year and that Vermont Tech had reclaimed in 2021. The tournament is a student-scholarship fundraiser for the VSE, and most of the golfers were working engineers. For many years, the VSE has invited the three engineering academic institutions in Vermont to enter a student team.


“Through my work in the F2F+ pilot, I’ve been able to see the benefits of using technology in a way that brings students together from different locations and allows them to engage in course material in a way that breaks down the barriers of where students are attending from.

I’ve also strengthened my course delivery through Canvas course templates and been able to allow for modality diversity in how students do work within the course which has allowed students to get more creative with how they tackle different tasks within the course.

Sure, it’s been a challenge and not everything has been perfect, but if this is a glimpse of how I might deploy this in other courses, I’m confident I can do so without feeling overwhelmed by it and know that I have the support of OIT, the Teaching and Learning Innovation team, and my peers who are also working through things in this environment as well.”

-Meaghan Meachem, Professor and Chair, Journalism and Communications, Northern Vermont University – Lyndon

Share Your News with Us!

Submit your story to be featured in an upcoming newsletter or on social media. Submit your news on this form.

All University Update October 20, 2022

Greetings Vermont State University community,

I hope you had a wonderful fall break, and you are rejuvenated for the rest of the semester.

It’s great to see each of our campuses buzzing with activities. This month, we saw our first Vermont State University prospective students on our campuses at our open houses. I encourage you to help us spread the word to your friends, family, and community members to learn more about our campuses and their distinctions! We are hearing great news from the road. Our admissions team members are reporting a lot of excitement about Vermont State University from prospective students.

We are eager to hear your comments, questions, feedback, or ideas. Please let me know via this form and, if you have stories to share about interesting projects, research, or more, send them here!

President Grewal


Transformation Updates

Transformation updates can be found in the most recent Sway.

This issue includes the following:

  • Note on Newsletter Schedule
  • Transformation Update Presentation to Board of Trustees
  • Transformation Project Updates
  • Updates to Transformation Website
  • Vermont State Colleges in the News

Public Service Student Loan Forgiveness Update

Staff may qualify for the limited Public Service Loan Forgiveness waiver opportunity and, in some cases, could see their entire federal educational loan balance forgiven. This limited waiver opportunity allows borrowers to receive credit for past periods of repayment (while working full-time for a qualifying employer) that typically would not qualify. You must take action by October 31, 2022. The action(s) needed depends on the types of loans the borrower has. You can get more information, including how to tell what types of loans you have and what actions you need to take online. VSAC is ready and available to provide guidance and counsel to staff. Staff may also submit their PSLF forms via an HR Help Desk ticket (accessible from the portal).

Upcoming Vermont State University Events

Town Hall Meetings

President Grewal invites all faculty, staff, and students to Town Hall meetings on:

Fall Admissions Open Houses

In the News

Caledonia-Record: Vermont State University President Visits Lyndon Campus

WCAX-TV: Vermont Technical College Recognized by U.S. Department of Energy

From Our Campuses

Connection Through Comics: Mat Heagerty, ’05

After graduating from Castleton in 2005 with an associate degree in Communication and Media Studies, Mat Heagerty pursued a life as a punk musician. Read the entire article.

NVU Students, Faculty Chase Storms in Tornado Alley

Earlier this summer, faculty, staff, and five students from Northern Vermont University-Lyndon resumed the opportunity of a lifetime to chase storms in tornado alley. Read the entire article.


“In the few months since I accepted the position of Chief Diversity Officer, my favorite part of my work has been getting to build deeper connections with my colleagues on other campuses. There are so many amazing human beings working for our system! I can’t wait to continue collaborating with all of you to make Vermont State University a truly welcoming and inclusive learning and working environment!”

-Jae Basiliere, Chief Diversity Officer

Share Your News with Us!

Submit your story to be featured in an upcoming newsletter or on social media. Submit your news on this form.

All University Update October 4, 2022

Greetings Vermont State University community,

Here we are—September already behind us, and October in front of us. My family and I are enjoying our first Vermont foliage season. It’s a treat to see each campus in its autumnal glory. I hope you are enjoying this special season, whether it’s your first or umpteenth.

In the month ahead, we will host our first Open Houses for Vermont State University. Our Admissions team has been hard at work to prepare, and I applaud them for their formidable efforts. They are also on the road meeting with prospective students at several hundred events.

Please also join me in welcoming four new people to Vermont State University leadership: Irene Irudayam will be serving as Assistant Vice President for Institutional Research and Planning and Chief Data Scientist. Bobbi Jo Carter will be serving as Director of Online Program Administration. Jennifer Garrett-Ostermiller will be serving as Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning. Sara Kinerson has been appointed to the role of Interim Assistant Vice President of Advising and Career Development. Congratulations to you all!

As always, if you have any comments, questions, feedback, or ideas, please contact me. I’m here to listen and learn from you all. We also have a wonderful and easy way to gather news and story ideas — click here to submit your news!

President Grewal


Transformation Updates

Transformation updates can be found in the most recent Sway.

This issue includes the following:

  • Vermont State University 2023-2024 Tuition Announced
  • Spotlight: Transforming the VSCS with Shared Services
  • VSCS Board of Trustees Expands In-State Tuition for Refugees at all VSCS Institutions
  • Update on Workforce Development Goals and Structure
  • Transformation Project Updates
  • Four New Leadership Appointments for Vermont State University
  • Human Resources and Employee Services Transformation
  • Vermont State Colleges in the News

Upcoming Vermont State University Events

Town Hall Meetings

President Grewal invites all faculty, staff, and students to Town Hall meetings on:

Meet the President

October 6, 5:30-7PM, Williston Campus, Vermont Tech 400 Building

Fall Admissions Open Houses

  • Castleton Campus: October 10
  • Williston Campus: October 17
  • Johnson Campus: October 22
  • Randolph Campus: October 29
  • Lyndon Campus: November 5
  • Castleton Campus: November 11
  • Learn more on the VTSU microsite

In the News

VTDigger: Vermont State University to cut tuition by 15% for in-state students

From Our Campuses

Mike Robilotto Honored by Red Sox Foundation

Castleton University Director of Residence Life Mike Robilotto was recognized for his volunteer work with Rutland County Little League at a pre-game ceremony on the field at Fenway Park as the Red Sox Foundation’s Mike Egan Volunteer of the Year from Vermont. Read the entire article.

Northern Vermont University Named a New England Center for Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases by CDC

Grant-funded regional collaboration is designed to reduce diseases spread by ticks and mosquitoes. Read the entire article.

WPTZ-TV: Vermont Tech’s Apprenticeship Program Sets an Example

GE a world leader in providing aircraft engines, systems and avionics, with a location in Rutland, Vermont, announces that its GE Manufacturing Technician Apprenticeship Programs graduated 41 apprentices in toolmaking, electrical maintenance, and mechanical maintenance. Watch the entire story.


“I’m excited to work together with my colleagues in Student Success – all of whom put students first every day—to  improve the student experience and expand student opportunities as we launch Vermont State. By integrating and coordinating programs and services to support students holistically, we will build the framework necessary to meet all students where they are and help them achieve their goals. Teamwork is a big motivator for me, and I am energized to join my colleagues in this important work!”

-Kelly Beckwith Director of Student Success

Share Your News with Us!

Submit your story to be featured in an upcoming newsletter or on social media. Submit your news on this form.

All University Update September 26, 2022

Greetings Vermont State University community,

It is now officially fall, and while we mark a change of seasons, I want to also recognize that it’s been a year of changes for all of us, individually and collectively. For some of us, September marked the first year of the college experience, while for others turning the calendar over meant marking decades of teaching and supporting students. We are each on our own journey.

Yet, your personal journey is also intrinsic to our shared history, and more so, our shared future. The next few months will continue to be stressful and challenging. They will also bring moments of joy, success, unity, and friendship. I call upon you all to join me in building Vermont State University as the most innovative and forward-looking university in the world!

Over the past few months, I have had the opportunity to travel to all of our campuses and meet students, faculty, staff, and community members at listening sessions, campus community forums, convocations, and homecoming events. It’s great to be back together again after the long years of the pandemic. What is abundantly clear to me is how much you all care for your students, colleagues, institutions, and communities. It’s that passion and dedication that will help us through this next phase together.

If I haven’t met you yet, I invite you to join me at my upcoming Meet the President event on October 6. Or, you can email me with your questions and ideas. I want to hear what’s on your mind.

President Grewal

Vermont State University Tuition Announced

The Vermont State Colleges Board of Trustees approved lowering tuition for new students at Vermont State University starting Fall 2023. We are also pleased to inform our current students that we will again freeze their tuition for the third year in a row. Additionally, current students can expect adjustments to their aid so their total net tuition will either stay the same or be lowered, depending on their current scholarship.

Read the full Press Release.

Transformation Updates

NECHE has formally approved Vermont State University accreditation contingent upon us providing the required progress reports, a normal part of the process. Thank you to the faculty, staff, and students for their extraordinary work on transformation projects over the past two years. NECHE has also recently concluded accreditation reviews of Castleton University and Vermont Technical College and determined the two institutions to be in good standing. NECHE has canceled the previously slated review of Northern Vermont University due to its planned consolidation into Vermont State University.

What’s next?

  • We now need to finalize our Gen Ed curriculum so that we can seek specific disciplinary accreditations for the successful launch of Vermont State University in Fall 2023.
  • We also need to continue to work collaboratively across campuses on various other critical projects including program arrays and faculty, staff, and student governance for Vermont State University.
  • Following the legislative and transformation expectations, we will be building Vermont State as a first statewide hybrid (In-Person Plus), community-engaged, and career ready university. You will be hearing more about these top priorities over the coming weeks and months.
  • We are making good progress on building the leadership team. Several leaders are already in place and they have begun their work and are already filling staff positions in their areas.

Click here to view the most recent full transformation update.

Listening Tour Report

A number of key themes emerged from President Grewal’s listening tour. In response to one of those key themes – a desire for clear and transparent communication – we share the President’s report on his tour.

Click here to read the listening tour key themes report.

Upcoming Vermont State University Events

President Grewal invites all faculty, staff, and students to Town Hall meetings on:

  • September: 26
  • October: 10, 17, 24
  • November: 7, 14
  • December: 5, 12
  • Time: 12:15-1 pm

Location: Zoom –

In the News

Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus/Rutland Herald: New student trustee loves Vermont, wants to remain.Perry Ragouzis, a junior at Castleton University, was appointed student trustee to the Vermont State College System Board of Trustees this summer. The Colorado native says he’s fallen in love with Vermont, and says he hopes to make it easier for people like him to stay and work in the Green Mountain State.

WCAX-TV: $4.5M in grants awarded to Northern Vermont University first-generation students. Hundreds of kids in Vermont have access to a higher education program that helps them prep for college and helps them financially.

WCAX-TV: Vermont State University hires new diversity officer. Anchor Darren Perron spoke with Jae Basiliere, PhD, about their new role at chief diversity officer at Vermont State University.

From Our Campuses


The grant helps universities and colleges develop programs to prepare undergraduate students from a variety of historically underrepresented groups for doctoral study and also provides students opportunities to engage in paid summer research under faculty mentorship and other scholarly activities


Seven Northern Vermont University-Lyndon communications alums took home ten Emmy awards at the New England National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) 45th Boston/New England Emmy Awards ceremony on June 4, 2022.


A $1.2 million grant to Vermont Technical College will help to expand the college’s agricultural workforce development and entrepreneurship training programs.


“Hello from admissions! Working alongside colleagues through our transformation has been such a pleasure. Together, we are so excited about the year to come as we represent Vermont State University with the highest integrity and transparency in order that our prospective students understand who we are, the strengths we’re carrying forward, new opportunities we are creating, and the strong academic and co-curricular foundation we will provide for them and their very bright futures. Admissions representatives are actively attending over 750 events this fall season, as well as hosting a full array of campus visits, and we are all looking forward to welcoming applications to Vermont State’s inaugural class!”

–Emily Wiezalis, Director of Enrollment Communications, Admissions

Share Your News with Us!

Submit your story to be featured in an upcoming newsletter or on social media.

Class of 2021 Achieves 99% Placement Rate

Vermont Technical College’s graduating class of 2021 achieved a 99% placement rate, reflecting that they are either employed or enrolled in continuing education programs after completing their certificate or degree. Since 2014, Vermont Technical College has had an average placement rate of more than 97%. As in years past, 98% of Vermont Technical College’s graduates in the class of 2021 are working in their field of study.

Coupled with the best return on investment of any higher education institution in Vermont according to a new study from Georgetown University, Vermont Technical College’s pillar remains its support of the State of Vermont’s workforce needs.

“This achievement affirms that our programs, and graduates, are in high demand,” said Karry Booska, director of Career Development at Vermont Tech. Vermont Technical College’s annual placement rate is calculated by a six-month outcome survey conducted by the college’s Office of Career Development.

The majority of survey respondents reported employment or continuing education in nursing and health professions, followed by engineering and computing, professional studies and management, and agricultural, plant, and life sciences.

“To the class of 2021, who persevered in the face of phenomenal challenges, we are so very proud of you, congratulations” said Patricia Moulton, president at Vermont Technical College. “We are so pleased to see you already changing the world in such a positive way.”

All College Update February 18, 2022

We’re #1 AND #7!

EXCITING NEWS! A new Georgetown University report found that Vermont Tech ranked #1 in Vermont and #7 nationally among four-year public universities with the best return-on-investment! This means after you graduate, you will earn back your Vermont Tech tuition investment sooner than graduates from any other higher education institution in Vermont and all but 6 public higher education institutions in the country! You are wise to be here! Tell your friends and siblings to come obtain the same advantage! Learn more on our news page.

Unification Update

Transformation updates are released every two weeks and past updates are available on the VSCS’s transformation website, along with other resources.

Campus Life

World-Renowned Expert in Design for Additive Manufacturing Joins Vermont Tech

Andreas Vlahinos, PhD, CTO of Advanced Engineering Solutions, joins Vermont Tech as Visiting Professor. Vlahinos is a world-renowned expert in design for additive manufacturing, computer-aided innovation, and generative design who has worked with companies including SpaceX, General Dynamics, and TetraPak. Read more in our press release.

New Vermont Chapter for Women in Aviation Launches

In partnership with Beta Technologies and the Vermont Flight Academy, VTC has launched the first Vermont chapter of Women in Aviation, open to all people interested in the range of careers available in the field of aviation. To learn more, contact Robin Guillian, Director of Aviation for VTC’s Professional Pilot Program.

2022 is the Year of the Nurse Educator!

The National League for Nursing declared 2022 the Year of the Nurse Educator. We salute our nurse educators for the contributions they make to our community and to inspiring the next generation of nurses. Behind every great nurse is a great nurse educator!

Who’s New at Vermont Tech?

Please join me in welcoming these new employees to the Vermont Tech family.

Welcome to our new staff members!

  • Shelby Day – Coordinator of Advising and Retention

Welcome to our new faculty members!

  • Sarah Mutar – Nursing

All College Update December 15, 2021

Here we are at the end of the semester. As we look toward the winter break, I wish you luck with your final exams. I also express my heartfelt thanks for each and every one of you. Together we are “Vermont Tech Stronger.” The gift of our community is one I have much gratitude for this holiday season.

Neche Progress Report – Your Input Needed!

This report is in response to NECHE’s findings from the 2020 NECHE accreditation report, including enhancing our financial stability, developing a comprehensive approach to assessment of student learning, investing in Institutional Research, institutional and system-wide planning, and reviewing policies and procedures. We appreciate your review and input and ask that you share your feedback via email at by Friday, December 17, 2021.

I thank ALL of you for your continued hard work always and participation in this comprehensive evaluation. We look forward to your input and feedback!

Memorial Scholarships – Matching Your Donations

As you know, the College set up two scholarships in memory of our dear colleagues, Brenda Churchill Flint and Asher Henderson. The Brenda Churchill Flint Memorial Scholarship will benefit students in the Vermont Tech Business programs, and the Asher Henderson Memorial Scholarship will benefit students in the Vermont Tech Software Engineering program.

We welcome donations via payroll deduction, website, or by sending a check to Vermont Tech, Attention: Development Office, PO Box 500, Randolph Center, VT 05061. Please designate it is for the Brenda Churchill Flint or Asher Henderson Memorial Scholarship fund.

All donations made by December 31, 2021 will be matched by the college. 

Unification Update

Transformation updates are released every two weeks and are available on the VSCS’s transformation website, along with other resources, at

Campus Life

NCLEX Pass Rates Surpass National Average!

Congratulations to our PN and ADN nursing students, faculty, and partners. Our 2021 NCLEX pass rates yet again beat the national averages. The 2021 VTC ADN Pass Rate was 86.7% (the national average was 80.45%) and the 2021 VTC PN Pass Rate was 97.9% (national average is 80.01%).

Who’s New at Vermont Tech?

Please join me in welcoming these new employees to the Vermont Tech family.

Welcome to our new staff members!

  • Kevin Orth – Lab Technician – Electrical/Computer Engineering
  • Dylan Kingsbury – Maintenance Worker II
  • John Santamore – Public Safety Officer Part Time (Williston)
  • Stephen Bohnyak – Moved up to Assistant Chief Technology Officer Randolph Campus  (was Manager of Information Technology Infrastructure)

Wishing all of you a safe, joyous holiday season and a restful break….See you in 2022! 

All College Update November 16, 2021

Heading into the Thanksgiving holiday, I want to express my gratitude for ALL of you. As we have weathered significant change, both globally and locally here at our Vermont Tech community, you continue to rise to every challenge. As you know, it takes ALL of us to effectively operate this college, we are all vital. I thank you for all you do.  Wishing you all a safe and restful holiday!

Covid-19 Update

Questions About Covid Safety or Vaccinations?

  • If you are a student and have questions, contact Student Affairs at
  • If you are an employee (staff or faculty) and have questions, contact Kelly Rue Riso, Director of Human Resources, at

Boosters are here!

We strongly encourage students, staff, and faculty to get boosters when you are eligible to protect yourself and our community. Living or working on campus is considered a high-risk setting. That means that you are eligible to receive a booster.

For more guidance—including where to access boosters—visit the Vermont Department of Health. Booster shots are available here on our Randolph Center Campus every Tuesday morning in Judd as well as sites across the state. Sign up and use code BOOSTER.

Thank you for doing your part to keep us all healthy!

Nursing Press Conference

On Wednesday, November 10, we co-hosted a press conference with NVU-Lyndon to announce a federal grant to expand nursing education in the Northeast Kingdom.

The federal funding expands our in-demand, existing nursing program on the NVU-Lyndon campus, creating a direct pathway for students to complete their degree from start to finish on the Lyndon campus.

The press heard from Sen. Patrick Leahy, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Peter Welch, NVU Interim President John W. Mills, NVRH CEO Shawn Tester — and President Pat Moulton.

You can see the coverage of this exciting news by clicking on any of the links that follow:

Policies & Procedures

Vermont Tech is committed to creating policies consistent with the mission of the college and to support our NECHE Accreditation. Policy development and implementation has been a continuous and evolutionary process. The President’s office, with the support of the marketing department updated and organized all policies and procedures on the website by category to ease the search process and accessibility for the college community. The categories include: Academic Affairs, Personnel, Student Affairs, Business/Financial, and General.

Vermont Tech leadership and their accompanying departments began reviewing all policies and procedures in July of 2021 per VTC policy T708 (policy on policies). In addition, a video was created explaining the process and how to find the policies and procedures on the website.

Unification Update

Thank you for your continued contribution to the unification process. For the latest transformation update, click here.

Campus Life

Honoring Brenda Churchill Flint

On Friday, November 5, we hosted the inaugural Brenda Churchill Flint Fun Run 5K/8K in partnership with the Randolph Union High School Cross Country Team. Coming together to remember Brenda, we raised more than $6,500 for the scholarship fund named in her honor.

Click here to make a donation to the Brenda Churchill Flint Scholarship Fund.

Engineering Students Place First in Golf Tournament

A team of Vermont Tech engineering students placed first at the annual Vermont Society of Engineers’ (VSE) golf tournament, held in Stowe, Vermont, at the end of September.

The Green Knight team, comprising Quinn Munns (of Jericho, VT), Thomas Ferguson (of Deering, NH), Ronnie Corey (of South Burlington, VT), and Michael Ranaldo (of Burlington, VT), reclaimed the rotating trophy that goes to the winning institution each year. The tournament is a fundraiser for the VSE; the funds raised go toward student scholarships.

New OTT Sports Channel

Our new Vermont Tech OTT channel allows you to access games and other sports programming for FREE on your AndroidTV, AppleTV, FireTV, Roku, and other similar apps.

To access Vermont Tech’s OTT channel, search “Vermont Tech” on your streaming service.

Knights in the Know

I sincerely believe in continuous improvement. I also believe that every member of our team has something to contribute to make us a better organization. As a reminder, please know that the college has an electronic “suggestion box” to share ideas with me and the administration about areas of improvement or recognition. It’s also a reminder for everyone to keep sending me your thoughts and ideas.

Have a faculty member you think deserves kudos for the experiential learning project she embedded in your class? Have you thought of a more efficient process we should implement for cost savings? Do you see a way to improve safety on your campus? Want to nominate a student, faculty or staff member to be profiled as an excellent example of Vermont Tech-ness on our website? Use this suggestion box for these ideas and more.

This form is in addition to the college’s Care & Concern form (to report any student safety issues).

Who’s New at Vermont Tech?

Please join me in welcoming these new employees to the Vermont Tech family.

Welcome to our new staff members!

  • Chassidy King – Assistant Program Coordinator/Electrical & Plumbing Apprenticeship Program (switched from the OC)
  • Anne Black Cone – Assistant to the Academic Dean
  • Rachel Smith – Assistant Director of Admissions/Transfer Coordinator (Switched from Admissions Assistant)
  • Kelly Dixon – Nursing Site Director, Southeast Region

Warm wishes on a healthy and happy Thanksgiving holiday.

Update on the COVID-19 Coronavirus

COVID-19 Notification

We were notified that an employee on the Williston Campus has a confirmed positive cases of COVID-19. With this confirmation, college staff have notified all employees who came into close contact with the employee to quarantine (PDF) and monitor themselves for symptoms.

If any additional employees are deemed a close contact, college staff will be in contact to discuss next steps and guidance. We are in contact with the Vermont Department of Health (VDOH) and are taking necessary steps to protect the health of our students and staff.

Employees who are unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated are encouraged to wear a mask when indoors and when social distancing isn’t possible or if you  are more comfortable doing so. Employees need to monitor themselves daily for symptoms, and should stay home if you are unwell or have a fever, regardless of vaccination status. Symptoms include: fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell.

If you haven’t yet received your COVID-19 vaccine and would like one, you can register for an appointment or find upcoming walk-in clinics.

Summer 2021

Because of our community’s tremendous effort and sacrifice, we are increasingly confident in providing a campus and academic experience that is much closer to our traditional operations. While we don’t yet have all of the details, we eagerly anticipate a much-improved public health situation and a significant reduction in state mandates and restrictions this fall.

We strongly encourage everyone – students, alumni, staff and faculty – to get vaccinated. As a reminder, we will mandate the vaccine for enrolled students once vaccines are approved for permanent approval by the FDA. This will be in addition to the other vaccines currently required by the Vermont Department of Health. Once the COVID-19 vaccine is required, requests for medical and religious exemptions will be considered, in accordance with Vermont law.

Randolph Center Lockdown

Our Randolph Center campus was on lock down at approximately 3 pm, June 28, 2021. The Orange County Sherriff’s office requested us to lock all doors immediately because a male was seen near campus with a gun. This individual is a nearby resident (not a VTC student) who allegedly threatened a resident in his home and left with a gun and a sword. Our Public Safety officers immediately complied with the lock down and Sherriff’s and State Police officers were on campus attempting to locate the man. Entrances to campus and parts of Randolph Center were blocked from access. The individual was seen on campus by several officers and was apprehended on campus by law enforcement by approximately 4:45 pm. This was NOT a drill and emphasizes the importance of our emergency notification system.

If you have not voluntarily signed up for text, phone and email emergency messages through our RAVE system, please consider doing so immediately. Vermont Tech has partnered with Rave Mobile Safety to provide an emergency alert system so you can know, in real time, about emergencies and incidents at the college. This system is capable of delivering messages to your and personal email addresses, as well as your land line and cell phone.

Faculty, staff, and student email addresses have already been added to the system. We encourage students and employees to login to the Rave Mobile Safety site to add more contact information and choose your notification preferences for voice and text messages. You may also elect to add an email and/or phone number for a close family member, so they will also receive emergency notifications simultaneously. (Note that your cellular phone provider may charge a per-text message fee for the delivery of emergency notifications to your phone).

  • To manage your account, please visit
  • Your user name is your email address (example:
  • Click on the ‘Forgot your password?” link, enter your email address and follow the prompts to set a password.

We also remind you of “run, hide, fight” protocols for these lock downs.

  • Run to safety when there is an active threat. When safe, call 911 or public safety.
  • Hide if escape is not possible. Block the door, avoid windows, silence your cell phone.
  • Fight only as a last resort and if your life is in danger. Locate whatever is near for a weapon.

When in lock down, you should STAY PUT in your office with the door locked, until given the all clear from law enforcement or college personnel.  We provide timely updates and alerts.

In this case, we could all shelter in place. However, we never an anticipate these situations so please follow these protocols. Be aware of your surrounding when in different locations on any campus to know where you could go to hide.

We are grateful to our Public Safety officers, the Orange County Sherriff and Vermont State Police for their swift action in this situation.

President’s All College Update: November ’20

Transition Advisory Taskforce (TAT) Review Meetings

I wanted to remind you all that we are hosting two review sessions for the college community on our first two draft project charters: Comprehensive Program Review and Transformation of Physical Infrastructure. Michelle Graham recently added these to all calendars to share the Zoom links. Please join us! If you are unable to attend, we will be recording the sessions and will make them available. We plan to build our resources on our website, so watch for that announcement in my December update.

·         Wednesday, November 11th at 12:00pm: Comprehensive Program Review of All Academic Programs

·         Thursday, November 19th at 2:00pm: Transformation and Investment in our Physical Infrastructure

TAT in Motion

Some of the work of the Physical Infrastructure charter has already begun. Recent moves are the manifestation of our goal to create opportunities for property sales that can fund other infrastructure priorities. The Admissions team has completed their move to the Administrative Center so we can put the Allen House on the market. The move includes the Marketing team and Resource Development and Administration consolidating their office spaces into one office each, still within Admin. The Nursing department staff have also relocated to Clark near the lab. The simulation lab has moved to the Gifford campus, further integrating our students into real-world settings and advancing the continuing education of Gifford employees. Change is good in these cases!

Spring Academic Calendar Starts February 1

The academic dean’s office has announced the academic calendars and updated them on the college website. Vermont Tech is following the guidelines from the State by starting our spring semester on February 1, 2021. This is designed to avoid as much of the common flu season as possible gathered as a community and avoid confusion with COVID illness. Residential housing will be offered on our two residential campuses again next semester. Watch for an email from Student Affairs soon to sign up for housing.  We anticipate move-in dates of January 15 for any early arriving populations (like athletes) and January 28 & 29 for the rest of the residential population.  The winter Practical Nurse semester begins on December 7, 2020 and spring semester begins April 19, 2021.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Kathleen Mason and Hartness Library continue to provide us all with amazing learning opportunities in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion. I strongly encourage all of us to participate and engage, to do the work needed to foster a more welcoming, vibrant community. The next session for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is Friday, November 13 at noon, on Becoming an Ally. The next Hartness Library Racial Justice discussion is Friday, November 20, with a book and movie review.

Expanding and Sharing Hartness Library Across the System

Hartness Library Director Jim Allen is chairing a taskforce with representation from all the institutions of the Vermont State Colleges System to look at how Hartness might serve Castleton and Northern Vermont University as it does the Community College of Vermont and Vermont Tech. We know we all benefit from the existing collaboration greatly and look forward to sharing the wealth with our sister institutions!

Who’s New at VTC?

We have a few new faces and names to share with you of those that have recently joined the Vermont Tech ranks. These employees have started after our last update in October:

·         Stacy Plourde, RDH, MS, CPHDH is our COVID-19 Coordinator

·         Phyllis Mitchell is the NEK Site Director for the Nursing Program

·         Barbara Mills is a new Custodian/Housekeeper

·         Stephannie Peters is the Director of Vermont Career and Technical Teacher Education for Continuing Education and Workforce Development

Welcome, all, to our community!

Shared Resource

As a reminder, all meeting minutes must be posted to the R drive in the VTC Meeting Minutes folder as a shared resource for the entire college community. Please also include any documentation about your organization’s structure and team members for reference. These monthly updates are saved there in addition to online in Tech Talk. If you are responsible for a group and need to have meeting minutes added, please contact Michelle Graham.

Resource Development

Curtis Ostler in the Development Office has secured over $270,000 in grants and gifts in the first quarter of the fiscal year:

In closing out their organization, the Vermont Municipal Highway Association granted $102,455 to Vermont Tech toward the Judith & SSGT Jamie Gray Memorial Scholarship. Curtis arranged with the principals to use $50,000 in a spend-down scholarship to attract new students and boost enrollment in the next two years in the Civil Engineering, Construction Management, and Renewable Energy programs.
The Davis Educational Foundation awarded Vermont Tech with a $25,000 Presidential Grant to use in supporting our transition to Alternative Academic Delivery.

The Vermont Community Foundation granted $145,000 to support five of our non-degree programs – Practical Nursing, Certificates in Computer Software Development & Web Development, and Plumbing & Electrical Apprenticeships through CEWD.

Maureen and Curtis worked closely with the McClure Foundation to be featured in the upcoming biennial Promising Jobs brochure (in conjunction with VDOL), this year with an insert for Best Bets in Career Training, featuring the same five programs.

Curtis continues to pursue grants and gifts from alumni and foundations to support all of our programs and with a special focus on the needs and challenges that this unusual year has presented. He is also working on the next issue of the Alumni Magazine, featuring Our Campuses this year, and continues to connect with Vermont Tech alumni.

News for Transforming Vermont Technical College

*Please note: this page is under construction and changes will be forthcoming.


Comprehensive Program Review

Transformation of Physical Infrastructure

Non-Traditional Pathways

Enhance Enrollment Pathways

Analysis of all Business and Operational Functions of the College

VSCS Board Priorities

Legislative Select Committee


Presidential Memo

November 3, 2020

Thank you for your patience with our ongoing Transition Advisory Taskforce (TAT) work.  It has been a while since our last TAT update. Please know a lot of work has been going on since the last update.  I also want to take a moment to remind you how we got here, update you on our work to date, and identify clear next steps.

How we got here:

As you may recall, in May I created the TAT, comprised of 15 members representing students, faculty and staff and all of the collective bargaining units.  The charge was to assist in the development of a plan to transition the college – VTC specifically, not the VSC – to a highly sustainable and stable institution and be a community of colleagues that represented our broad community, providing a framework and filter to support an inclusive gathering of ideas and priorities.  The group developed “guardrails” for all ideas submitted and helped rank and organize over 400+ ideas into themes.  With those themes in mind, specific “buckets” and priorities started to surface.

Where we are today:

Through the hard work of the TAT, the Drafting Committee, compromised of colleagues serving on TAT and also serving as Executive Team members, have worked through specific project charters that align with the themes that emerged through the TAT work.  Members of the Drafting Committee include myself, Lit Tyler, Ana Gaillat, Jason Enser and Kellie Campbell.  Prioritizing a project management approach to this work, the project charters seek to identify clear goals, deliverables, timelines, stakeholders, budget, and more.  The Drafting Committee spent several working days organizing the charters and recently presented drafts to the TAT for feedback and input.

Next steps:

With feedback from TAT included, we have worked toward almost-final drafts of all project charters.  Our next step is to go back to you, our broader VTC community, and share out the specifics in the charters.  Over the next month, we will be hosting campus-wide community Zoom meetings, diving into each charter at each meeting.  It will be a time have a conversation, answer questions, and gather your input and ideas.  We will start with two attached charters then brief you on the last three in separate meeting in the coming weeks.

We know there are several layers of planning happening across our VSC community, but it is important to keep in mind the work of the TAT and the Drafting Committee is very specific and focused on Vermont Tech.  That was the charge of TAT and our commitment is ensuring a strong future for Vermont Tech as front and center in this work.

We welcome you to save the date for review of our first two charters.  The presentation and conversation will be recorded to ensure access for those that might not be able to attend live and in-person.  Dates for the following charters are below with Zoom links coming soon:

  • Wednesday, November 11th at 12:00 pm: Comprehensive Program Review of All Academic Programs
  • Thursday, November 19th at 2:00 pm: Transformation and Investment in our Physical Infrastructure 

We thank you for your commitment to this process, for the good ideas we know you will share, and for your ongoing service to Vermont Tech!

June 8, 2020

Today, Vermont State Treasurer Beth Pearson shared her final report of the financial review of the Vermont State Colleges System. The Office of the State Treasurer was asked by leadership in the House of Representatives and the Joint Fiscal Office to review the VSCS’s financial position. In addition, Dr. James Page, Former Chancellor from the University of Maine System, submitted his report on funding for the Vermont State Colleges System FY2020 and FY2021. Dr. Page worked with the VSCS and the Joint Fiscal Office to undertake a financial assessment of the system.

June 4, 2020

The Transition Advisory Taskforce (TAT) met and provided an update as of June 4, 2020. In a general update, the committee shared that the Vermont House and Senate approved $12M for COVID-19 assistance for the VSCS, and it is on the Governor’s desk for signature. Separately, the VSCS has requested 25% of the regular state appropriations at the beginning of the fiscal year. The VSC has launched a strategic planning taskforce, VSCS Forward. Vermont Tech participants in the VSC task force include Lit Tyler (VTC – Dean of Administration),  Sarah Billings-Berg (VTC – Associate Dean of Nursing), and Kim Hannon-Brobst (VTC – Coordinator of Remote Access Services and selected representative of the Staff Federation).

In addition, Vermont Tech is proceeding with “Vermont Technical College — Agriculture & Food System Education Transformation Project at the Randolph Campus.” Ellen Kahler of the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund and sponsor of the state’s Farm to Plate initiative, has volunteered to facilitate a larger, statewide group of ag and food systems specialists who are also volunteering their time, to define the educational niche Vermont Tech can “own” around ag and food systems education.  The group is being co-chaired by Regina Beidler from the Beidler farm here in Randolph Center and Louise Calderwood, former faculty here and at Sterling College as well as former Deputy Secretary of Ag in Vermont.  Molly Willard will be part of the Steering Committee and Dr. Crowe, Steph Nault, Greg Hughes and Dave Rubin will be part of teams and subject matter experts in this process.  There will be survey work and other outreach from this group as they get rolling.  This work is planned to take 7-9 months and will culminate in a business plan for the resulting education plan.  It is also expected this group will help with funding requests as needed.  This process is starting later this month.

For its own report, the TAT provided information about its fifth meeting on June 4, 2020 via Zoom. TAT has formed four sub-groups to review the over 400 ideas and recommendations. As previously mentioned in an earlier communication, the groups include these members.

  • Group 1: Academics, Delivery (Kellie Campbell, Ana Gaillat, Joan Richmond-Hall, Curtis Steins)
  • Group 2: Recruitment, Enrollment, Student Life; Facilities (Travis Allen, Nate Ball, Ryan Cooney, Jason Enser)
  • Group 3: Campuses; VSCS Reorganization; Administration (Brooke Burlett, Ross Lieblappen, Michelle Stearns)
  • Group 4: Costs; Revenue, Tuition, Funding (Veronica Golden, Scott Sabol, Lit Tyler)

At the June 4th meeting, each of the four groups presented their initial review of community ideas. Of the 400 suggestions, approximately 100 were identified as higher priority or warranting development. TAT agreed to consolidate the ideas into common themes in order to focus its planning efforts. Over the next week, TAT expects to develop these themes which will be shared with the college community when finalized. All of the original ideas remain part of a library of suggestions for reference.

TAT also reviewed the program cost matrix which is being shared this week staff and faculty. This tool will assist in the screening and development of planning initiatives.

Lastly, suggestions continue to be offered through the taskforce website and are being added to the growing list of ideas for review.

June 2, 2020

In the fourth update from the Transition Advisory Taskforce, the team itemized the four key metrics that were endorsed at their last meeting:

  1. The College’s operating budget will achieve a 5% operating margin annually.
  2. Return on educational investment will increase by X% through cost reductions and enhanced graduate outcomes.
  3. All programs will design decentralized delivery and access for students (including non-traditional) by fall 2021 and implement as feasible.
  4. Levels of graduate educational satisfaction, career preparedness, and ability to participate in an effective citizenry will continue or improve.

In addition, the over 300 recommendations and ideas have been organized into four groups for review. Each group has three or four TAT members who have begun the process of reviewing recommendations. Participants are noted in parenthesis.

  • Group 1: Academics, Delivery (Kellie Campbell, Ana Gaillat, Joan Richmond-Hall, Curtis Steins)
  • Group 2: Recruitment, Enrollment, Student Life; Facilities (Travis Allen, Nate Ball, Ryan Cooney, Jason Enser)
  • Group 3: Campuses; VSCS Reorganization; Administration (Brooke Burlett, Ross Lieblappen, Michelle Stearns)
  • Group 4: Costs; Revenue, Tuition, Funding (Veronica Golden, Scott Sabol, Lit Tyler)

Each group will evaluate and rank each suggestion based on the “planning considerations” developed and shared in a previous email. The categories of these considerations include: students, finances, community, access, programs, and general planning. Each review may include brief comments where the reviewers wished to add clarifying information.

The Task force hopes to complete its review and prioritization in the next two weeks. Some form of that prioritization will be shared with the college community.

May 26, 2020

In the third update of the Transition Advisory Taskforce, the team mentioned a recent discussion with the Vermont Legislature’s financial consultant, James Page. Mr. Page was informed of the unique challenges of and special role played by Vermont Tech in creating Vermont’s next generation of educated employees. They noted interest in the sale of various properties which are being pursued to offset COVID-19 enrollment declines.

At its May 21 meeting, TAT completed the following:

  • A review of four key metrics to guide planning, and which are being finalized this week
  • A review of the financial information provided to the State Treasurer which illustrates the range of fiscal deficits based on various enrollment scenarios
  • A review of demographic and enrollment projections, including historical data and fall projections
  • A preliminary review and discussion of a process to evaluate the various recommendations provided by the college community

The next step in planning is to finalize Key Metrics, and to prioritize community recommendations.

May 20, 2020

In the second update of the Transition Advisory Taskforce, the team shared that the Vermont Legislature has hired a financial consultant, James Page, former Chancellor of the University of Maine system, to conduct a VSCS financial assessment. Dean of Administration, Lit Tyler, has been working with the Vermont State Treasurer’s Office to assist in developing short term financial plans. The current expectation remains that the Legislature is attempting to provide financial assistance for the 2020 fall and perhaps 2021 spring semesters. However, there is still no definitive action. Calls to legislative representatives continues to be encouraged.

The Taskforce update outlines a draft workplan, which includes goals, a preliminary schedule, planning principles, and important planning considerations. An important next step is to reach an agreement on key metrics and review the community recommendations to date. The taskforce also articulated that they continue to welcome input, so invite the community to share ideas via email.

May 11, 2020

The Transition Advisory Taskforce released its first update to all Vermont Tech students, faculty, and staff. The update names all the taskforce members and their affiliation (e.g. union representation). The goal of the Taskforce is to assist in the development of a plan to transition Vermont Technical College to a more sustainable institution able to withstand vulnerabilities exposed by the COVID-19 virus and the Vermont State College’s financial challenges. The details of the plan is the work of the Taskforce and Executive Committee, with input and suggestions from all the Vermont Tech Community. The overall goal of planning is to create an even more sustainable, efficient, effective, and student-focused institution.

The update outlines the need to complete its work by June 29th and a process where all recommendations are evaluated. The Taskforce also articulated that communication is a top priority and shared a new email address for the sharing of information and ideas: We thank them for their work.

May 4, 2020

The college announced a new FAQ to help provide additional information. The questions are largely the result of an open forum held with students. Additional questions can be sent to if not addressed in the FAQs.

May 1, 2020

President Moulton provided an update to the college.

April 29, 2020

April 27, 2020

President Moulton has announced her plan for a Transition Taskforce, comprised of representatives from staff, faculty, students, and administration. This group’s charge will be to vet all ideas brought forward to develop goals and concepts for the entire college community to consider. Our end goal is to transform the college to be more sustainable and resilient. In this process, President Moulton stressed the importance of all ideas being heard and considered. While not all ideas will be implemented, a thoughtful process must consider all options.

It is unlikely that all parties involved will like all aspects of the final plan, and there will be very difficult decisions to make. In the end, the college is aiming for a plan we can all get behind and support. In doing so, we pave the way for the Board of Trustees and Legislature to support our plan as well.

April 22, 2020

Today, Chancellor Spaulding issued a press release announcing his plan to withdrawal the proposal for reconfiguring the Vermont State Colleges System. This announcement allows for a deliberate and inclusive process towards a workable alternative solution over the course of the coming months.

Senator President Tim Ashe also submitted his statement about the withdrawal of the proposal.


April 20, 2020 – a message from President Moulton to the college community

It has been heartwarming to see the surge of support that our communities are pouring out for retaining a system of vital state college institutions and campuses. I am proud to see democracy in action where the will of the people has an impact on legislators, the governor, and our Board of Trustees. You have changed the conversation, which has historically shown little financial support for the state colleges, to one considering alternatives.

I call on all of you to continue to communicate with your representatives and the Governor’s office to provide an influx of financial support necessary to allow for a longer planning window than the one we currently have.

The sudden nature of the proposal to transform the Vermont State Colleges System has been a shock to everyone. There has been a very small window of time alloted to planning and responding to proposals for the system.

I fought for Vermont Tech’s future for many reasons:

  • We have the best outcomes of any Vermont college or university as demonstrated by the best ROI in the state and historically high placement rates.
  • We have always evolved to meet the need of educating Vermont’s workforce in our 154-year history.
    • I have faith in our ability to do so anytime, every time.
  • We graduate students who are job-ready on Day One, thanks to their applied experience and clinical practice.
  • Employers across numerous industries need our students to keep the economic engine of Vermont and our region humming.
  • Of employers who have hired Vermont Tech graduates, 99% of them surveyed said they would “likely” or “definitely” hire another graduate of our college.
  • We are already embedded in 12 communities around this state, delivering high-quality nursing education via Telepresence and clinical placements.
    • We are experienced at reaching students where they are and are primed for expanding offerings.
  • Lastly, and most importantly, Vermont Tech serves students who thrive in our applied learning environment, looking for high-demand technical and professional careers. There is no other technical college in Vermont and we provide a unique value to the state and our students.

The overwhelming support of our community and the state has the potential to change the timeline of transforming the system and the college. The Legislature knows that the financial struggle of the system is not hyperbole. The need for structural changes will continue even if the system is injected with additional one-time funding, but it would give the institutions more time to consider options thoughtfully, in structured processes with data to imagine what the college’s future can be.

An innovative future is possible.

A future Vermont Tech cannot look exactly as we do today, regardless of our political will. The forces changing higher education were strong before COVID-19, and consumer preferences post the pandemic are also calling for more focus on outcomes, even greater price sensitivity, and desire to stay closer to home. We have an obligation to our students and future students to be responsive their needs. We have experience reaching regionally around Vermont. Vermont Tech is more than campuses in Randolph Center and Williston. We are also a collection of invaluable programs that meet workforce needs of Vermont, professional faculty with industry experience who teach them, practical and impassioned students who pursue them, and staff and administration who support them all. We can meet students where they are, in addition to providing residential options for those that still want it. Our role in this state and region is to graduate the innovators who will continue to drive local economies. It is time for us to be innovative too.

Doing our part.

We are being asked to do our part in fixing the structural financial issues in the VSC system, to again overcome the economic crisis of the day. It is important that we recognize the scale of the issues to be resolved and work together to make Vermont Tech stronger and sustainable for future generations.

Statements from Vermont government officials were added as noted.

  • A statement from Representative Jay Hooper, “I Stand for Vermont Tech” (4/21/20)
  • A statement from Governor Phil Scott about the future of the Vermont State Colleges System. (4/19/20)
  • A joint statement of Senate President Tim Ashe and Speaker of the House Mitzi Johnson re: the pending proposals to close three state college campuses. (4/19/20)
  • UPDATED press release from the Office of the Chancellor, April 19, 2020.

April 17, 2020

Today, the Chancellor announced adaptation plans to meet the challenges of the future. He is recommending to the Board of Trustees substantial transformation and campus consolidation.