Northern Vermont University Health Pledge

August 4, 2020

A Message from President Elaine C. Collins:

Dear NVU Students, Faculty, and Staff,

Our return to campus for the fall semester is just a couple weeks away. We cannot wait to see NVU students back on our campuses. We are committed to making our return as safe as possible for everyone in the community.

In addition to the protocols we announced earlier, such as the wearing of masks, extra cleaning, single rooms, and reconfigured classrooms, every employee and every campus-based student will sign the NVU Health Pledge. Each of us holds incredible accountability and responsibility for helping to protect those around us as well as the full NVU community. This pledge will help keep NVU’s health and safety practices front of mind.

Additionally, every campus-based student and employee will be tested for COVID-19. Details about testing have been sent to students via email and can also be found on our Return to Campus page. Details about employee testing will be forthcoming.

Thank you for joining me in this commitment and promise to each other. You may read the pledge and sign it here.

I look forward to seeing you soon. Please enjoy the rest of your summer and stay healthy and safe.
