NVU Students, Faculty, and Staff:
I hope you are enjoying your summer, one that is more normal than last year. I have some important information to share with you.
Vaccine Update:
Once the FDA grants permanent approval to the existing COVID-19 vaccines, Northern Vermont University will require all enrolled students who must access a campus for any reason to be vaccinated. This is in addition to the other vaccines currently required by the Vermont Department of Health. You can review the current list here. Students who have already been vaccinated may get a head start on their verification by filling out this form NorthernVermont.edu/COVID19Vaccination. You will need to take a photo of both sides of your vaccination card to complete the form.
Our goal is for all members of the NVU community, who are eligible and able to do so, to be vaccinated. Students may request a medical or religious exemption in accordance with Vermont law. We are sharing this information with you now so that you have plenty of time to be fully vaccinated before the start of the fall semester. Thank you to all who have already done so. To request an exemption, fill out the COVID-19 Vaccination Exemption form and return it to the health centers on our campuses.
Vermont COVID-19 Restrictions Update:
Governor Scott announced yesterday that more than 80% of Vermont’s eligible population—those age 12 and older—have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Governor Scott also announced he has rescinded all state COVID-19 restrictions. Additionally, Vermont’s State of Emergency expires today, June 15, and will not be renewed. As you know, NVU has met or exceeded federal and state safety guidelines during the pandemic and will continue that as follows until further notice:
- A full vaccination is required for all non-student, non-employee, and non-admissions visitors to our campus that are age 16 and above. Full vaccination means two weeks after the Johnson & Johnson version or two weeks after the second shot for Pfizer and Moderna.
- Face coverings shall be worn indoors by all unvaccinated faculty, staff, students, and visitors under 16 when in the presence of others and in common areas (for example, Dibden or ATT). When outdoors, and more than six feet apart from one another, masks are not required whether you are vaccinated or unvaccinated.
Thank you. I will stay in touch with you throughout the summer, so please check your email regularly. Enjoy the summer weather!
Jonathan Davis
Dean of Students
Northern Vermont University