Positive COVID Cases | Mask Up NVU!

August 26, 2021

A Message from Interim President John W. Mills:

Dear NVU Students, Faculty, and Staff,

I write to let you know we received three positive COVID-19 test results today, two from our testing on Wednesday, August 26, 2021 and one from an off-campus site. These three cases are on the Johnson campus. With rising cases in Vermont and throughout the United States, this is not unexpected. This underscores how critically important it is for our community to be vaccinated, masked up properly while inside, and testing as appropriate. 

The students who tested positive are in isolation either on campus or off. Our own internal contact tracing is well underway and we are working with the Vermont Department of Health.

Mask Properly! It is Required at NVU.

Wear your masks and wear them over your mouth and nose. Proper masking is a critical component of safety for you and everyone around you. Masks are required when inside unless you are alone in your office or residence hall room. Wear actual masks. Neck gaiters, scarves, and face shields are not effective according to the CDC and they are not approved for use at NVU unless approved through Disability Services or HR.

We must improve on masking—there have been numerous reports of improper masking and failure to mask indoors. I know it is hot and humid, but the heat will break by tomorrow.

Vaccinate to Protect Yourself and Others

Students, if you need to be on campus for any reason this semester, you must be vaccinated. See NorthernVermont.edu/COVID19 for our policies regarding vaccination, masking, and exemptions. You may not engage with the physical campuses in any way without complying with our vaccination policies.

NVU Community, I urge you to vaccinate. The Pfizer vaccination has full FDA approval and the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines will follow suit soon.

Vaccinations protect both you and your community from serious health issues. 

Get Tested!

  • Today, August 26, 2:30-4:30 p.m., Johnson Campus Quad, concrete steps outside the library
  • Tomorrow, August 27, 10-11 a.m., Johnson Campus Quad, concrete steps outside the library
  • Weekly on both campuses:
    • NVU-Johnson: Wednesdays, noon-1 p.m., Multi Gym
    • NVU-Lyndon: Wednesdays, noon-1 p.m., Alexander Twilight Theatre Lobby
  •  If you are living, teaching, working, or learning on campus, please test at our weekly or pop-up testings. See message above and at NorthernVermont.edu/COVID19.

If you are contacted by our contact tracing team, please answer the call, text, or email—this is to protect your health and to contain spread of the virus.

The higher our vaccination and mask-wearing rate, the sooner we can lift our mask mandate. We urge you to comply—and to remind one another to do so. 

Please join me in keeping our NVU students’ health in mind.

Thank you. #MASKUP, #VAXUP NVU
