Your Return to NVU

A Message from President Elaine C. Collins: Your Return to NVU

Your return home to NVU is approaching. I and the NVU faculty and staff miss you. I have heard from many of you that you, too, are excited to be back with your friends and campus community.

As announced in June, we have adjusted the fall academic calendar to start on August 18. The NVU COVID-19 Emergency Task Force and a Fall 2020 Face-to-Face Task Force have been hard at work preparing to do all we can to ensure as safe a return as possible for our community.

NVU’s large footprint and relatively small student body allows us to spread out to properly physically distance—in the residential halls, in the dining halls, and in the classrooms. We are adjusting class schedules and locations to make this feasible. On the sanitization front, we are prepared with extra cleaning materials and the hiring of additional custodial staff.

I’d like to share some other details about this fall. You will find them informative and I am sure you will have follow-up questions.

Details about Your Return to Campus

Wearing of masks will be required inside, with the exception of in one’s own room or office (without others present). Outdoors, with 6-foot distancing, you may be mask free. We have plenty of outdoors surrounding us with wide-open spaces and I will encourage you to enjoy that benefit of our hilltop campuses.

Staggered Move-In: All campus-based NVU students will participate in a staggered check-in and testing program on August 13 or 14.

COVID-19 Testing: All campus-based NVU students, commuting and residential, will be tested on August 13 and 14 and at day 7 at no cost to the student.

Out-of-state students must carefully review and follow state of Vermont quarantine requirements. As infection rates across the country change, this information is updated. Review the FAQ question, “What is the testing and quarantining plan for students?”

CastleBranch App: All VSCS schools will use this app to assist in prevention and education around COVID-19. It uses what it called the T.E.A.M. approach, approved by the CDC, to collect daily temperature readings, educate on prevention with signed attestation confirming comprehension and completion, attestations on travel information and risk of exposure, and monitoring and reporting. Download instructions will be coming.

NVU Health Pledge

NVU students will be required to sign the NVU Health Pledge. This pledge will help keep NVU’s health and safety practices front of mind. Each of us holds incredible accountability and responsibility for helping to protect those around us as well as the full NVU community. Thank you for joining me in this promise to each other. The pledge will be shared soon.

An Individual Outreach to Every Student

We are beginning a campaign to reach out to each of you via phone calls and emails to ensure you know when to return to campus and what to expect. This outreach will take place over the next two weeks. Additionally, you will receive an email on Monday, July 20 from Lyndon Campus Director of Student Life Erin Rossetti or Johnson Campus Director of Residential Life Jeff Bickford.

Stay Up-to-date with Information

To learn more and find answers to questions, view the Return to Campus FAQs below. Please check your email and this web page frequently. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for you to stay up-to-date with information during this time.

Learning and the Student Experience

We know that returning to campus—and going about our daily lives anywhere in the world—has changed. We are committed to creating a robust student experience where you can spend time with friends, take part in club activities, enjoy the spectacular outdoor offerings that surround us, and more.

Classes will be taught through face-to-face, hybrid, and remote means. You will hear from Provost Nolan Atkins with an update next week.


We will be communicating to you from both Student Affairs and Academic Affairs very soon. If you have immediate questions, please use the form on this page:

Please take care and enjoy summer. It is such a beautiful time of year. I look forward to seeing you soon.