Alumni Resources

Need a transcript or diploma? Want to hire a student for a job or internship? Get help with these and other common alumni needs. 

Request a Replacement Diploma

Did your original diploma become lost or destroyed? Would you like a second diploma to display proudly?” in standard formatting to match the page.

Request a Transcript  

It is easier than ever to request a transcript from your alma mater. Our new online system, Parchment, can mail a transcript to you or on your behalf in many different formats.

Get Involved/Volunteer 

One of the best ways to stay connected is to join with other alumni in supporting the university. One way to get involved is to join your alma mater’s Alumni Council!

To discuss other opportunites, please contact Bo McDougall, Assistant Director of Alumni Engagement at

Alumni Benefits

Did you know your degree entitles you to privileges like discounts on a SHAPE membership and free tickets to select events on campus? Find out more about the benefits of being part of the alumni community. 

Career Services

As a VTSU Legacy Campus alum, you are always encouraged to connect with our Office of Career Services for help filling employment opportunities within your business, as well as exploring career networking and student mentoring opportunities.